the new girl

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Thalia Burns :

Thalia's Backstory

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Thalia's Backstory

Thalia grew up in San Diego all her life being passed from family to family and never truly been wanted or fitted in with them

her father John Paul Burns is a cocaine addict and her mother Annie McClure was in and out of her life for years leaving her and her older sister Leanna to raise there twin sisters Melody and Beatrice until child services found out about all of them taking care of each other without a parent and put them all in care separating them...

Thalia hasn't seen her sisters in 2 years but they all gave each other half of a heart necklace to be with each other at all times, she couldn't wait till she was 18 to just pack up and leave and get custody of her little sisters and leave her past behind.

back to Farah's POV

God I'm missing how happy I used to be, I feel consumed I mean not like anyone knows I can't physically bring myself to open anymore so much has happened and how I'm doing doesn't matter right not it's always been about me I think and the people I love walking on egg shells around me them doing that only makes me worse like I'm going to freak out at the smallest thing I've been through so much worse and people still don't get it.

*Incoming Phone call from Jacob*

I looked down at my phone and seen Jake was calling I quickly answered "Hey Jake" I said happy to hear from him "I GOT IN I ACTUALLY GOT IN" he said screaming with joy down the phone "YOU DID OH MY GOD?!" I said excited for him "yes I got my acceptance letter this morning" he said sending me a photo of it "Jacob this is amazing I'm so proud of you what did your family say?" I questioned "they're just super happy like I'm actually going to collage" I heard him sigh of relief "I always knew you'd do it you just didn't believe in yourself as much as you should of" I standing up and looking out my window "any word from your collages?" he questioned "nope" I sighed

"you'll be fine trust me any collage would be lucky to have you but I got to go love you" he added "I love you too" I ended the call and thought about what he said which was in fact a lie no collage wants someone who doesn't even turn up, which Is my fault but why did all this stuff happen during my senior year the world fucking hates me.

as I was looking out my window I seen Maximo start waving at me from outside he looked super happy and I opened my window "do I know you?" I asked sarcastically "come outside and you can get to know me" he raised his eyebrow and smirked with his cute laugh "I cant be late for school Max Principle Dean will kill me" I sighed and he pouted "such a good girl" he laughed "don't tempt me" I rolled my eyes at him "anyways get going I'm going to get ready" I went to close my window "No I love you?" I heard him say "I love you wanker" I laughed and went to get ready for school

I chose this

as I walked downstairs I didn't see my mom or brother anywhere but I do remember my mom saying was going to pick up the gender reveal balloon for Mira and Landon's reveal. I got an apple and walked to school when I arrived I seen Thalia at the gate so I went up to her "how you doing?" I looked at her and smiled "if I truly told you that I don't think you'd understand" she looked away from and put her cigarette out "trust me I'd know more than you think" I said still smiling trying to comfort her she looked at me like she truly was broken I've seen it all before with myself and her being this way hurts...

"want to tell me what you know?" she smiled back trying to be nice "only if you do too?" I raised my eyebrows and laughed "it's a date" she laughed back with me "oh by the way do you want my number?" I asked "I do" she handed me her phone and I put my number in there for her "so what classes do you have today?" she asked looking at all the kids walking into the building "chemistry free period gym maths law and music you?" I looked at her "the same apart from free period and music I have bio and English" she rolled her eyes and sighed "not a fan?" I laughed "no I always hated school this place makes me sick" she laughed "oh God I know" I said as we both walked up to the school and met Jacob "Jake this is Thalia Thalia this is Jacob or Jake" I introduced them

"nice to meet you" Jacob smiled at her "nice to meet you too" she smiled back "all ready for chemistry?" I looked at them and laughed "God don't remind me" Jacob sighed throwing his bag back over his back "Mrs Anders is going have me I didn't do the homework" Thalia laughed "she's the actual devil" I added "I forgot homework was a thing" Jacob pulled a face "of course you did dumbass" I looked at him and laughed "so where is dear Maximo?" Jacob questioned me "is that the boyfriend?" Thalia asked Jacob "it is he's a hot Italian" they smirked at each other "ok behave and I don't know he's probably not coming to school today" I looked at them "but what about your boyfriend leooo" I said emphasising his name "he's actually taking me on a date today" Jacob said smug "uh huh don't do anything I wouldn't" I winked "so everything?" he asked sarcastically and laughed so I laughed with him

"any single guys in this school?" Thalia piped up "you'll have to find out" I raised my eyebrows "anyone you like in particular?" Jacob asked looking around at the boys "not right now just don't want to step on any girls toes if you know what I mean" she said laughing "yeah the girls in this school are fucking ghetto and will fight a bitch over fries" Jacob said in a stupid voice "fighting over food is fair" Thalia laughed "I agree but you got my point" he shrugged "anyways guys I got to get to class" I added and we all walked off to chemistry.

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