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My head was spinning and everything was black and cold, what was happening to me I tired to stand up and feel around the place to feel anything that would help me figure out where I was or what was happening

"oh no no" I heard a voice laugh and switch the light on which my eyes burn "sit down before you hurt yourself Farah" the voice said with a pleased tone and my eyes went back to normal after adjusting to the light it was Enea I felt so betrayed and all the trust I was convincing myself to have left

"why" the words dropped out my mouth "why what?" he smirked "this... why this to me" I almost broke down "because dear you're a very important person" he grabbed a chair and sat in front of me "see Farah I've known who you we're a lot longer than the coffee shop" he said laughing the words out

"how" I asked looking down "Maximo Anton" he smiled "you know him right"? he laughed again I could kill him for doing this "Maximo and I we're a quick high school romance you've got it twisted" I almost begged "but see now you're lying and I don't do lies that gets you... punished" he sighed and got up I was so scared of what that meant he would do to me

I backed up into the corner away from him I knew deep down it wouldn't help me in the long run "Boys" he smirked and stretched "show this lady what happens to liars" he left the room and 3 tall buff men entered after him and locked the door all with evil grins on their faces I knew not to cry it would make me look weak and foolish to these men whoever they were

"she's a pretty one" the first one said getting all up in my face "she is" they examined me and agreed like I was a lobster in a tank "now let's get this show on" he grabbed me by my arms and touched me in all types of ways and they all laughed "GET OF PLEASE STOP" I cried out in fear and no one came no one cared or listened to my cries

Maximo's POV

I was sat in my office and 4 of my men barged in with no knock or notification "a knock would of been nice" I sat back and crossed my hands "Boss..." he was out of breathe from the running to my office "go on Jesus Christ" I rolled my eyes in frustration "They got her" his breathing slowed and he sighed "who's her?" I got up and questioned them "your girl Maximo he has your girl" he sighed

My heart shattered there and then I knew exactly who he meant when I ended the Blood boys another one came in there place and wanted my place the Fangs and the leader Enea Udinesi he had her and I knew what he did to women in the mafia he had no respect for women since he was never raised around one his father killed his mother and he has all brothers so what respect has he gained

"I want all my guys on finding her location and when that happens I want the full mafia loaded and ready with our deadliest weapons we're killing them all" I turned away from them before I broke down at the thought of her being hurt or touched in any way no matter how hard I tried I failed her I fucking couldn't protect her

I punched the wall over and over I felt weak and stupid "Maximo stop it right now" my mother came in and hugged me tight as I broke down in her arms "I failed mom I always fail" I stop the tears and became angry again "you didn't fail life is a bad place for everyone do you hear me?" she said reassuring me "I need her back" I laid back "and you will get her back you need to know your enemy" she looked at me with a strange look

"why do I have a feeling you know what that information is" I looked at her "I know a lot of things sweetheart and that girl Farah is to pretty to die don't you think?" she smiled and got me up "I don't think I know" I smiled it off "now come on why I do what I do best" she lead me out the room and showed me exactly what she meant


A couples hours went by and I've never stopped looking for Farah, I have called her mother and brother personally which Landon wasn't to happy to hear from me which is understandable and I've booked their flight to Italy as we know Farah is most likely here in one of the Fangs places

Farah's POV

I was numb after what those men had done they never raped me but just touched me in all areas scaring me and making me regret everything then Enea came back in "okay Farah you know what happens if you lie to me don't let it happen again" he sat down and smiled like everything was okay "you're an evil person no man would have let this happen" I turned away

"oh please they didn't do anything Major... anyways now we have to get down to business" he said and I never turned around to look at him but he grabbed my face "look at me when I'm speaking to you God you can tell you didn't have a father in your life" he tuffed and my heart broke at that sentence but I listened to him

"so here's the deal either you join our gang and train to kill Maximo or I can kill everyone who's important to you hence Your beautiful Niece Emmy" he smiled and I got up in his face "Don't you ever mention her again do you hear me" I screamed "look who's got balls" he stood up and laughed at me "take the deal Farah and your niece will live to see her teens" he sighed "I'll do it just don't touch anyone I love" I slid back down the wall wanting to cry at what is going to happen

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