Family issues

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Maximo's POV Throughout this chapter

I hadn't talked to Farah for a couple days, I missed her more than she thought but I couldn't bring her into this I was stupid for thinking it was fair on her to do this with me and all my fucking problems when she's already going through so much as it is without me on top of it I didn't know what to do with myself and these feelings

I walked downstairs to see my brother, mother, aunt and little cousin we we're all back in Italy for Valentina even though Carmine didn't know about it yet "good morning to you Maximo" my aunt said picking Aria up and doing her hair "yeah good morning" I sighed making some coffee and sitting down "so Carmine I have something to tell you" my mom said sitting up in her seat looking at us all "well Mama I have been waiting some time come on" he rolled his eyes "it's about my first born child" my mom relaxed a little bit

"what about it" he laid back "she was not an It" my aunt had her input and Carmine just looked at her and turned back to my mother "anyways... she's alive Carmine" my mom struggled to get her words out "how the fuck would she be alive it's been about 21 years" he laughed and rolled his eyes "your father" my mom snapped "nothing about this is funny Carmine and we're here to get her back" she added on "mom calm down stressing yourself isn't going to help your recovering" I had my input snarling at my idiot of a brother

"ok where is she" he smiled sarcastically "her name is Liliana Rizzo..." the room went silent waiting for Carmine's reaction and then "as in blood boys heir?" he laughed "are you serious" he stood up in disbelief "of course she is serious who lies about this shit" my aunt rolled her eyes at Carmine " there's no way its a suicide mission I'm not doing it" he walked off "CARMINE YOU ARE MY SON AND YOU WILL HELP WE ARE GOING TO BE A FAMILY AGAIN" my mom screamed and my little cousin started laughing

"Aria stop" my aunt slapped her hand and Carmine stood still and turned around "I'm not risking shit for someone I've never met" he snarled back "oh yes but You'd risk it to fuck my ex right?" I screamed back at him "oh that's the past brother move on" he laughed "I have but you wont help our fucking mother get her child back you're selfish" I sighed "he doesn't have to I'll do it on my own" my mom left the room "look what you fucking done, this is why we don't fucking want you in our family Carmine" I snapped

"Maximo don't do this right now" My aunt stopped me and I just looked at me and pushed me out the living room away from Carmine "look Carmine you're my nephew but you need to fucking change kid" my aunt sighed and followed me with Aria out the room "Maximo wait" my aunt added on "what Matilde?" I questioned "I get it you're angry but disowning him wont do anything but add more stress onto your mom do it for her yea?" she sighed "what do you think I'm doing?" I asked sarcastically "what any child does of course" she smiled "just don't do anything stupid.. yet" she added on and walked away

I thought to myself I wont do anything stupid to my brother but I might just do something stupid to get my long lost sister back I went to my room and got ready and left the house to go do something my aunt told me not too


I knew where Valentine or Liliana stayed and had her time I only knew from high school and who she hung about with and it will be the only time I get to talk to her without the mafia knowing about it

"Liliana" I said to her "who are you?" she said laughing at the fact she couldn't see me "Maximo Anton" I stepped out and stood in front of her "what" she dropped her drink and tried to run away from me "stop I'm not going to hurt you" I grabbed her arm "get the fuck of me" she thrown the drink at me but I didn't let go of her "Liliana stop it I will not hurt you but we have to talk" I dragged her to my car and drove of to another spot "what the fuck do you want snake" she rolled he eyes at me "you're going to find out if you shut the fuck up snake" I used that to make her question what I meant

"snake?" she laughed "you wish" she added on "I don't wish I know" I handed her the birth certificate and papers from both sides of the mafia agreement she looked at them in shock "I'm Valentina Anton" she stuttered slightly "you are Liliana but don't say anything to your family or the mafia it will cause war we don't need" I sighed taking the papers back "I always knew I was" she looked out the car window "what?" I asked in shock "it never lined up" she laughed "my parents hated me never treated me like family and I overheard my father saying shit about the snakes and how one is always around" she looked down

"you do know being a snake is better than a blood?" I laughed sarcastically "who doesn't know that" she rolled her eyes "you need to come home" I looked away "what made you come get me?" she asked "my mom found out about the deal between our father and Mr Rizzo she thought you really we're dead" I looked down " I need my stuff" she said "no I will buy you everything new but you cannot go back" I started the car and drove away

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