Chapter 3: A New Day

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He didn't freeze to death, but he does wake up at the crack of dawn, his teeth chattering and whole body shaking.

He blows into his hands to warm them up, but sucks in a breath when he sits up. His ribs ache. His back aches. His head aches. He's nauseous and hungry and tired. For what seems like the hundredth time, he wonders why he isn't healed yet.

It takes until he spots the MetLife sign for Peter to remember he's in another universe. Maybe Dr. Strange would have a better diagnosis, but Peter guesses his body was not a fan of getting thrown across a multiversal barrier. And then into a brick wall.

Now that he thinks about it, from the research he's read, he'll bet his molecules individually hit the barrier to force their way through. His body shivers. The thought makes him miss a step. He finishes his slow trek down the fire escape steps more carefully.

Once on the ground, Peter picks up a handful of snow. All of it is practically melted by now but it's enough to get his hand cold and act as an ice pack on his ribs. He tries to hide his limp as he walks the early morning streets of New York.

Step 1: find food. Step 2: make a plan.

So Peter heads to the one place he knows he can warm, do some recon, and hopefully grab some food on the way. The New York Public Library. Hopefully it's in the same place in this universe. His teeth chatter constantly on the walk to 42nd street and he can't feel the hand full of snow anymore. He needs to get inside now.

He goes slower than he would like due to the splitting headache and general pain in his body. When he swings through New York, the city flies by. It's frustrating how slow he has to go. On the plus side, he passes a salted nuts cart on his way and swipes a pack before the cart tender even notices Peter.

He sends a silent apology and a promise to come back when he gets some money to pay for it, but he needs the calories right now. By the time he reaches the library steps, the snack is gone.

Luckily the library is in the same location in both New Yorks, except it isn't 'The New York Public Library' here, it's 'New York Municipal Library'. But it opens at 6 and there's heat and wifi so to Peter it's perfect.

He goes straight to the bathroom when he gets inside. He's shivering so hard it's hard to turn the faucet on, but once the water does run, it feels so good on his numb hands.

So maybe sleeping on a rooftop during winter in New York City wasn't the best idea. Good news: he survived, thank you superpowers, but bad news: he has to find another place to stay tonight. More good news: he does feel better than yesterday, especially now that he's warming up and has something in his stomach.

Peter stretches his arms, only wincing slightly at the tightness in his back and the soreness in his ribs. He's not nauseous anymore, and his headache is fading. He makes the small jump to catch the bathroom ceiling with his fingertips and crawls for only a second or two, but it's enough to determine he's in much better condition today. Compared to yesterday, when he almost passed out when he tried to climb that wall. But compared to last week, when he had a warm bed and a solid one or two meals a day, he's a little worse. Compared to two years ago... he shakes his head. Keep your chin high, Pete, he tells himself. No reason to dwell in the past, especially now.

Once his limbs are warm, Peter takes some towels and makes himself more presentable. He looks in the mirror before he leaves. He looks tired. His hair is too long, but he doesn't look completely homeless yet.

He shoots the friendly looking librarian a smile as he heads to the computers. She returns a sympathetic one. Peter bets she doesn't see many teenagers in here at 6 am on a... what day even is it? He checks the calendar on the computer: Friday. Friday?! What happened to Wednesday?

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