Chapter 30: Hail Mary

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From what Peter gathers from their tie in this cell, they've got another two hours approximately until their daily water bottle and some food, which gives plenty of time to near out under the radar.

Jean sways on her feet when she stands up and Peter steadies her, "you going to make it?" Peter asks her.

Jean squeezes her eyes shut, and when she opens them, they're full o determination. "I have to."

The moment of truth, Peter thinks. He holds his breath while he pushes the key into the lock, sighing in relief whenit's a perfect fit. The lock turns with a soft click, and Peter pushes the door open. He pokes his head out to make sure the hallway is clear before crossing silently. He has nothing to guide him except an innate sense of direction and a rough memory of the path it took to bring them to the cell. Even barely conscious, his training had kicked in. He wishes Tony was still alive so Peter could tell him the exercises Peter once thought were dumb and useless actually might save hi life today.

At the end of a hallway, Peter stops, a feeling of familiarity cresting over him. He knows this door. Behind him, he can feel Jen waiting,leaning on the wall and catching her breath. Peter looks down at the key in his hand then presses it into the lock. It clicks open.

Before the door is halfway open, Peter knows what he'll find.

A young girl lies unconscious at the other end of the cell, mess of stringy black hair covering her face. Jean sucks in a breath. "America?"

The girl stirs at Jean's unfamiliar voice. Peter glances at Jean, both of them in agreement that they can't leave her here. Part of the reason they're in this mess is because Peter was searching for America.

"America," Peter says softly, placing a soft hand on her shoulder. The girl flinches but looks up at him, blinking for a minute before her eyebrows scrunc together in confusion. He cant waste any more time for her to realize she's not in danger.

He gently pulls her arm over his shoulder and lifts her to her feet. Jean takes her other arm and they carry her out of the cell together, only pausing to relook the cell door so the guards wouldn't find anything wrong on rounds.

A second later, America seems to realize they're trying to help her and she gets her footing, walking on her own and helping them. She doesn't seem injured, just weak and tired.

They're almost to where Peter thinks is the front entrance he has to stop and catch his breath. He's drenched in sweat and his midsection is throbbing.

"You going to make it?" Jean asks, her voice strained.

"I have to." But he's not sure how he'll do in a fight.

Beside him, Jean gasps. She gently lifts America's chin to make eye contact, forcing the younger girl to focus on her. "America, do you still have your powers?"

Peter almost interrupts, to point out that she's way too weak to get them out of here, but Jean shoots him a sharp look.

America nods weakly, "but I can't..."

"I dont need you to use them to get us out," Jean sounds excited for the first time in weeks, "but I need you to think one word, over and over, alight? Shout it into your mind. Can you do that?"

America nods.

Peter understands.

"I need you to host 'Professor' in your mind okay? Scream it. As loud as you can think, over and over, okay? It's a call for help."

America seems confused but she nods anyway and a new oncentration falls over her face as she seems to do what Jean says. Peter feels a little glimmer of hope too. The professor can't find him and Jean without their powers, but he can find America.

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