Chapter 5: The Manor

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The 'safe place for young mutants' is actually a mansion just outside the city. It's a short car ride, barely five minutes, but Peter tries to take in as much as possible, how many turns, what road they drive, just in case his spider-sense is wrong and this is a huge mistake.

But when the mansion comes into view, Peter lets out an impressed whistle. He's seen impressive homes, Tony owned multiple, including a New York City penthouse, the Malibu home, and the Avengers Compound, but this mansion is old money, built from brick and stone with balconies Juliet would gladly call for Romeo from.

Jean drives past the metal gates after entering a passcode and drives up the long driveway, finally into a garage on the side. Peter listens closely once the car engine is off. A soft hum comes from the grounds, mechanic. If he were to guess, a security system hides below the ground. A pretty advanced one.

Kitty, the brunette he saved, jumps out the passenger side while Jean glides out of the driver's seat. They both wait for Peter. He follows behind them through the garage door and into the manion. It's even more impressive inside, wood banisters, custom paintings, and gold finishings ooze wealth and class. God, Tony would have had a field day examining all the architecture, probably making jokes about the dinosaur age, and he'd absolutely love outfitting the whole place with AI.

Peter's taking everything in when he turns a corner into the main foyer and jerks to the side just in time to miss a body flying past him.

"Woah, watch-!"

Peter snaps his arm out to catch the back of a t-shirt and stop the body from slamming into the wall. The kid stumbles back but Peter steadies him as he re-orientates himself. "Out?" The boy finishes meekly, realizing that no one got hurt. "Woah, thanks." He says, seeing Peter for the first time.

"Nice reflexes," Jean remarks from Peter's side.

"Ugh, Bobby, you could have hurt Peter!" Kitty scolds, hands on her hips.

The boy, Bobby, looks at Peter again, this time with a grin. "New kid? Awesome, bro, welcome to the freak show." He's around the same age as Kitty, with sandy hair and icy blue eyes.

Peter looks in the direction Bobby came from, squinting to make sure he's seeing right. Ice? He walks closer to the giant staircase and slides his hand along the newly formed ice down the banister. How... he turns back to Bobby, who's now shifting from foot to foot nervously.

"Ice powers. Cool," Peter remarks. Bobby gives him a lopsided grin then follows Kitty upstairs after she elbows him in the ribs.

Jean gestures for Peter to follow her into an adjoining sitting room. Peter gives one more look at the ice covering part of the grand staircase. Cool, he thinks again. Cool, but not the strangest thing he's seen, not by a long shot.

"Ororo should be down in a minute. She runs this place," Jean explains.

"Do you do this often?" Peter asks as he takes in the sitting room. It's cozy, with a fireplace, a few couches, and walls filled with books.

"Do what?"

"Bring random kids from the streets into your home?"

"I..." Now she looks a bit nervous, a little unsure. It's weird, this whole time, she's been so sure of herself, her actions, and now that they're in her house, she looks like she's doubting herself. "I just want to help."

She gives Peter a hesitant smile and it seems more genuine than the others, like she's talking to a person instead of a spooked animal. Peter gives her one back. She has no idea how many times Peter wished more people wanted to lend a helping hand.

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