Chapter 33: Final Fight

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Jean was right, like always. As soon as the Professor agreed, Wolverine immediately insisted on coming also. For protection, he said, and Peter didn't disagree. He knows how powerful Wanda is, and he knows he can use all the help he can get. And once Wolverine demanded he come to the fight, Scott signed up of course, which then enraged the younger students who refused to be left out. Even Jubilee, who even Peter was hesitant to let march into a fight, but couldn't go back once he became the champion for heroics.

Peter's only been on a plane a couple of times. He's been on Tony's private jet to and from Germany, then on the school trip to Europe. Plus a short stint on a space ship, but all in all, he's an inexperienced flier.

So Peter allow himself five minutes to geek out over the X jet. He allows himself to catalogue the features and examin the steering mechanisms, and definitely watch Ororo launch the jet, then he notices how everyone looks to him. He can feel their eyes on him. They don't look outwardly, but they keep taking peeks at him, watching to see how he feels about riding into battle so they know how to feel.

So Peter asks himself what Tony Stark would do. Or Natasha Romanoff. Or Steve Rogers. Or MJ. He breathes. He collects himself. He projects a coolness, a sense of calm. He could do this. He will do this. He has to do this. They'll free Wanda, keep Mesmero away from the Institute, away from America, an thus stop Thanos from coming over and killing every human on this Earth. Not just that, he's going to/make sure every one of the X-Men make it home tonight.

There's no Captain America or Nick Fury to call the shots anymore. It's just him in this universe. He can do this. He hopes.

He's standing behind the pilot seats, behind Ororo and the Professor, watching the city pass by and the abandoned airport come into view. The Professor had located Mesmero easily. He had been using his powers nonstop, almost beckoning them towards him. Which is to be expected. Mesmero needs one of them to come and fight so Mesmero can get America back to bring Thanos. On the positive side, Mesmero isn't expecting the entire X-Men to come with Peter. And he's definitely not expecting Jean to know how to free Wanda. On the negative, Wanda is still currently under Mesmero's control and wickedly powerful. Peter doesn't want any of the kids to get hurt.

The airfield has been abandoned for decades, the decaying storage unit for the planes covered in weeds and the ground little more than dirt and cracked cement. As they hover over it, Peter can see Mesmero, waiting, with Wanda by his side.

Jean walks up to look over Peter's shoulder. "Ready?"

Peter nods silently. When he turns around, a range of nervous faces greet him. He clears his throat. "There's no shame in staying here. Fights are hard and scary and this one will no exception. But we have a plan. You know you're powers. You've practiced adapting to new situations. So ....follow the plan until it falls apart and watch each other's backs."

A smattering of smiles and nervous laughter reaches up to meet him and some of the tension eases. Before Peter moves to the bay door he looks back once and grabs Jean's hand. This has to work, he thinks. Their world depends on it. Jean squeezes his hand. He squeezes back. Then he lets go and jumps out the plane.

"We've been waiting, Mr. Parker," Mesmero greets, "it seems I was a fool to think Mr. Stryker was capable of squashing a bug." He grins at his own joke.

Peter rolls his eyes. Then he's moving. He shoots a web directly in Mesmero's face and another into Wanda's, who falls backwards in surprise. Mesmero rips at the webs covering his eyes and latches his gaze on Peter.

After a second his eyebrows furrow, but Peter just smiles as Mesmero realizes Peter didn't come alone. Mesmero's mind tricks don't work when a telepath is shielding Peter.

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