Chapter 34: The Long Goodbye

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The bell rings. Peter waits for the class to file out of the classroom before he gets up. He exchanges a look with Rogue and Jean but they file out with their classmates.

"Peter," Mrs. Reilly greets, "great job on that last quiz."

"Thanks Mrs. Reilly," Peter runs a hand through his hair. He hasn't told any of his other teachers, he hasn't even told his other friends, but he wants to tell Mrs. Reilly. He can't leave without saying goodbye. Even though shes not really his aunt, it's like seeing what could have been for May if she never had him. "I, um, I just wanted to say thank you for everything."

Mrs. Reilly stops what shes doing, "Peter, that sounds like a goodbye."

Peter shrugs, "I'm moving back home."

Mrs. Reilly smiles and even after all this time, it's hard not to see his Aunt May in front of him. "Well it was a pleasure to have you in class."

"You too, Mrs. Reilly." And despite himself, it feels like saying goodbye to May all over again.

Ms. Reilly must remember their conversation because she comes from behind her desk and wraps him in a hug. "You're a good kid, Pete. You'll be okay."

It takes his breath away, how good it feels to get one last hug.

When she breaks away it's to check a message on her phone. She smiles at the screen, "I swear, Ben would be lost without me. I send him to the store for flour and he comes home with three different brands and a bouquet of flowers."

And Peter smiles too, because she's not alone in this world. She has a Ben. She has someone who love and adores her and buys her flowers. She's alright.

America beams up at Wanda, a few weeks of intense recovery doing wonders for her. It turns out she's a great kid. Full of energy, bubbly, funny, and really awkward. It's obvious she wasn't socialized a lot as a kid. But she's adamant about traveling back to Peter's universe with him and Wanda. Something about finding Dr. Strange. Peter can help her with that soon.

Wanda is also doing better after some rest and time to heal her mind. She's anxious to get back and visit some small town Vision told her about or something.

And Peter... well he doesn't quite know what to do when he gets back.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Jubilee asks him.

Everyone is gathered outside for the send off.

Peter thinks about Jubilee's question. He thinks about his friends at school, how he's found a place. He thinks of track meets and study groups abd finally experiencing what so many others have. He thinks about everyone here at the Institute, how they welcomed him, gave him a home, came at a moment's notice to rescue him, and charged with him into battle. In a lot of ways, this world is better. Part of him wishes he was born here.

But then he thinks about the legacy of all the fallen heroes before him. He thinks about what it would mean to stay here, to abandon being a public hero. What would that mean to Tony? To his Aunt May? What would any of the suffering been for if he gives up on his world?

Peter hugs Jubilee.

The Professor extends a hand, "you will always have a place here, Mr. Parker."

Peter shakes his hand, "thank you."

Mr. McCoy slaps him on the shoulder, "try to visit, hm? I'd love to study your dimension for any microscopic differences."

Peter grins back at the nerdy teacher. He's going to mis him, "you got it, Mr. McCoy."

He hugs Kitty and Bobby, even Logan shakes his hand. He doesn't say much, never a huge talker, but Ororo gives him a big hug and reiterates to come back any time. Scott shakes his hand and nods goodbye. They might never be friends, but the tension between them is thawed, an understanding earned and a sense of competition eased. He still thinks that part of the reason is because Peter's leaving.

Rogue, though she doesn't touch him, still a little scarred from her previous experience, but she tells him she didn't hate him being here, which in Rogue speak, is a pretty big compliment

While America is exchanging hugs with the other kids and Wanda is speaking in low voices with Ororo and Professor Xavier, he wraps his arms around Jeans and hugs her tight. "Thank you," he says, "I really needed a friend when I got here."

When she pulls back her smile is sad, "I really needed one too."

It's funny how they wanted to kiss each other at one point. Now the thought makes him want to laugh. Their connection is deep and meaningful, a connection where they literally saved each other's lives. They push each other out of their comfort zone. They argue and remind each other of their love for others. She had reminded him what it feels like to have someone care, what it means to have a real friend. Peter had spent every hour of every day since erasing himself staying away from Ned and MJ, because it hurt too much. Jean had filled that void.

Jean seems to read his panicked thoughts. "I know you're scared, but you need your people, Peter. Remembering you won't hurt them. Knowing you won't hurt them."

He takes a breath and then nods, accepting her words, "your powers aren't a curse," he says in return.

Her expression clouds, but only for a moment. "I know," she replies, "they're a responsibility, right?"

At this Peter hesitates, "only if you want accept it. It's more complicated here than in my world. Use your powers for good,  but no pressure to put on tights any time soon."

Jean laughs, "go get your people, tiger."

He pulls her into another hug, "watch your people's backs."

When he steps away he knows it's time to go. If he can save this world, why can't he try and fix his? Maybe being Spider-Man doesn't mean he has to be alone. Maybe being Peter Parker isn't such a bad thing every now and then.

"Ready?" America asks. She flexes her fingers.

Wanda takes his hand, "I am."

Peter takes America's hand as she opens a portal. His New York shines through. "I'm ready too."

They step through together. Peter looks back once, before the portal closes. The X-Men watch over him.

That's it! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked it. If you're also a fan of Nightwing, check out my other story Nightwing: Heartless <3

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