Chapter 24: Enemy #1

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"So he's real," William Stryker announces from his position at the back of the room.

"Of course he's real," Mesmero scoffs, offended by the human's righteousness. Humans have no right to be righteous when beings like Mesmero could end him with a thought. Alas, Mesmero would tuck this memory away and save it for the moment he killed Stryker. After their deal is done though.

Stryker rolls his eyes, "excuse my hesitation to believe a giant spider teleported here from another dimension."

"Not a giant spider," Mesmero chides, "a human with spider like abilities. And now you've seen him you believe me that he is the one responsible for the disruption to your operation?"

Stryker's operation. His passion project. His life's work. It had taken a while to put the right people in the right places to be able to raid mutant safe houses and get filthy mutants off the street, especially the young ones too inexperienced to become a real threat. Sure, he only has the manpower to operate in New York City. For now. But soon, once the world realized the danger of mutants, his operation would expand exponentially. He needs to be ready for that moment. Hence, his focus on young mutants. Ones too young, too naive to realize they would never make it home. Mutants powerful enough to learn from, but too weak to be a threat. Perfect research specimens.

But lately, a hitch has appeared in his plans. You see, in order to be ready for the demand of mutant neutralization that would undoubtedly come, he needs test subjects for his various mechanisms to strip the advantage mutants held over regular humans. This spider boy has Impeded his supply of test subjects, and he is in an industry where research subjects have a short life span. This spider constantly stops his men, and most of them activate their suicide pills rather than face the spider boy. If things keep going the way they had, the spiderling will find this Hydra base by the end of the year and shut him down permanently.

No, Stryker needs this child taken care of, and soon. More than that, he wants the boy with other worldly control over his powers. This mutant, but not a mutant, as Mesmero explained, would be perfect for his research. So much to learn, so much power given to an ungrateful child. It's infuriating.

"Yes, I believe you," Stryker answers Mesmero, reliving the scene at the concert. How effortlessly the boy jumped into action. "My men are preparing as we speak. All trafficking operations are suspended until the boy is apprehended."

Mesmero nods, "wonderful. If I see him again, I'll alert your men."

"And your part of the deal?" Stryker pressed.

"We grow closer everyday," Mesmero grins. He looks through the bars at the young mutant, America, sleeping against the wall. A good little captive, she had stopped fighting long ago, and now submits when Mesmero makes Wanda control the girl's dimension opening powers.

Speaking of the witch, Wanda is also unconscious in the cell next to America's. Unlike America, Wanda constantly tests Mesmero's power. It takes all his control to maintain a hold on the Scarlet Witch, one that only came to be because he invaded her mind and posed as her late lover in her dreams. He never could have wrestled her mental control if she'd been in her right mind. Grief and pain provided a wonderful opening. Now he keeps her in a state of suspended sleep between uses, to preserve his own energy.

Stryker grunts in acknowledgement, displeased with Mesmero using his facilities as a free storage unit for his captive. But it is necessary, Mesmero insists, in order to give Stryker what he wants: a functioning device to locate mutants. Currently, Stryker uses too many resources and manpower to track, watch, and capture mutants, but if Mesmero could bring to fruition the device he promised: a locating machine called Cerebro, created by Charles Xavier, it would push his operation to the next phase. It's Mesmero's only ticket of freedom, and the only reason he's not also in a cell.

A detail Stryker himself wants to remedy as soon as the device is in Hydra's hands. The insolent mutant, believing he has been chosen by a higher power instead of the evolutionary defect he truly is.

"Don't fret, Stryker," Mesmero coos, "it'll all be over soon. I've seen our victory."

Stryker grunts again and strides out of the room. Alone, Mesmero smiles. Stryker doesn't know that he will never get the chance to use Cerebro. He's conveniently left out the piece about needing a telepath to operate the machine. Plus, the insolent human might be hunting mutants now, a sacrifice that pains Mesmero, but it's for their glorious future. A future with no humans whatsoever. Sure, the spider has become more of a nuisance than anticipated. The witch had somehow powered through his order to kill the boy and sent him here instead. No matter, Stryker will take care of him, and then Mesmero will seize the future he's been shown.

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