Chapter 31: Recovery

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He hears muffled voices, nothing discernible except a vague air of concern.


Shapes. He thinks there are people here.

He thinks he's dead when he wakes up. But why would death have an annoying beeping sound?

Peter looks to the side and sees a heart monitor. He sees the steady beat of his own heart. Huh. He's alive. He remembers jumping, flying, falling... wait–

Peter tries to sit up. He doesn't know if he's been rescued or imprisoned. He sits up with wild abandon, trying to rip the IV from his arm, but a weight settles in his mind, calming him, slowing his movements.

He doesn't remember making the decision, but he lies back down in the hospital bed. He hears the door to his room open and he tenses on reflex, struggling against how heavy his body feels.

"It's alright, Mr. Parker."

Peter relaxes when the Professor wheels in. His voice is gentle, reassuring. He stops beside Peter's bed and clasps his hands in his lap. "Everything will be alright. You're safe."

Peter's mind feels even heavier. His eyelids start to droop. Wait–No–he can't fall asleep yet. He needs to know if Jean and America are alive, if they're okay, but he's so tired he can't even move his lips.

"Everyone is alright," the Professor says anyway, reading his thoughts, "Jean and the girl are in similar rooms, recovering, just like you. Rest now, Peter."

And Peter lets himself rest.


There are more people in his room when he wakes up. The Professor is still there, along with Mr. McCoy and Logan. The Professor notices he's awake first and gives Peter a gentle smile. "Welcome back, Mr. Parker."

"I–" Peter coughs, suddenly aware of how thirsty he is. Mr. McCoy walks over and helps Peter sit up, handing him a plastic cup with water. "Thank you," Peter says when he's drunk the entire glass. He lays back down. "The others?"

"Healing just fine," Logan crosses his arm and eyes Peter warily, "you got them out, kid. Good job."

Peter winces a little, becoming more aware of his body by the second. Every muscle is sore. "I kind of got Jean into it in the first place."

The Professor smirks, steepling his fingers, "I'm not sure if you've gathered, Mr. Parker, but Miss Grey can be quite headstrong when she wants to be."

Peter half grins, then drops it when he remembers where he's spent the last who knows how many days. It all rushes back: the capture, the torture, the pain, the hairbrained, half cooked idea to escape. "What happened?" Peter asks quietly. The energy in the room tenses, the warm mood evaporating and Peter fights a shiver.

"I received America's call for help," The Professor starts, "and Wolverine, Scott, Storm, myself, Mr. McCoy set off immediately. When we arrived, we found what was once a mansion in the Hamptons, blown to a crisp."

Logan grunts and nods his head towards Peter in a show of respect.

"Police and federal agents swarmed the area, as well as medical personnel. We were told the three of you had been taken to the local hospital, found by the local police just after the explosion. We went to the hospital, and once the three of you were stable, transferred you back here to the Institute. That was four days ago."

Four days? The surprise must show on Peter's face because the Mr. McCoy rushes to answer. "You've been in and out. We've tried to keep you sedated and on pain medication, but it took a few tries to find the right equation for how fast your body burns through anesthetic." Mr. McCoy pushes up his glasses, "it's given your body some much needed rest and we've kept a nutrient IV on constant to aid your healing factor, which is quite remarkable, Peter."

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