Chapter 27: The Bottom of the Clock Tower

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"Something's not right," Jean yells over the wind as Peter swings them through the city. He has no compass or map, just that feeling on the back of his neck leading him.

He finally stops and drops them in a generator farm. Around them, generators and hydropower tanks. He sets Jean down, all his senses on high alert.

"There's someone else here," Jean whispers.

A figure steps out from the shadows, a familiar red cloak around his shoulders. Mesmero. "You brought a friend, Peter."

Peter shoots out a web and hits Mesmero in the face. He yanks him forward, onto his hands and knees. "Where's Wanda?" Peter demands, lifting Mesmero by his throat. When the tattooed man doesn't answer, he throws him into a water tank.

Peter turns Mesmero over, "where is Wanda?" He repeats.

Mesmero smiles, his teeth bloody.

Suddenly, Peter flies back, thrown by Wanda's glowy powers. He slams into the ground and slides right by Jean. Wanda steps into view, her eyes glowing red. When she raises her arms, the hydropower generators lift into the air. She thrusts her arms forward, but the tanks don't move.

Jean steps in front of Peter, her hands extended, her eyes squeezed shut. Wanda grimaces and tries to press harder. The tanks tremble in the air. Jean shifts one of her feet back to get a better angle. The tanks tremble against the two wills of their powers.

"How cute," Mesmero remarks, "don't worry, when my plan comes to fruition, one of you will remain." He trains his gaze on Jean.

She cries out and clutches her head, caught off guard by a psychic attack. Peter springs forward, grabbing her and rolling them out of the way from the thousand pound metal generators.

Mesmero chuckles and stalks towards them, "if all goes well, exactly half of us here tonight will remain."

Something clicks in Peter's brain. He stands up slowly. "What did you just say?" His past encounter with Mesmero replays.

Mesmero furrows his eyebrows, then looks at Jean, who is still standing behind Peter, but she's sweating slightly, concentrating as hard as she can. Peter looks back at Mesmero, who scowls, "you've befriended a telepath."

Peter takes advantage of the protection Jean is providing and webs a nearby service truck, launching it at Mesmero. Wanda creates a shield around herself and Mesmero then throws the truck back at Peter. It bounces off an invisible shield. Peter hears Jean grunt but the shield doesn't fall.

They go through the same routine, each team trying to land a blow, but Jean and Wanda keep their mental and physical shields.

"Your shield will tire before mine," Mesmero taunts. "It's no use, anyway, Mr. Parker. I've seen the future."

A sick feeling twists in Peter's gut. He thinks he has an idea of Mesmero's master plan.

"I was shown the future already brought to so many worlds," Mesmero continues. He takes a step forward, slowly wearing down Jean psychically as Wanda concentrates on breaking the physical shield around them. Peter tenses, ready. "The future already brought to yours."

"You can't be this stupid," Peter yells, launching a flurry of bricks at him, but Wanda intercepts each one.

"Humans are weak," Mesmero's voice holds nothing but malice, "they have outstayed their welcome on this planet. They hold back evolution with their hate and bigotry. They do not deserve half the planet."

"You don't know what you're doing! You-"

Jean's shields break apart. Wanda throws a blast of energy that sends Jean flying back. Peter springs forward. He shoots a web that lands right in Wanda's face, distracting her from going after Jean and tackles Mesmero. They're rolling and Mesmero is still laughing.

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