Chapter 7: First Day

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Midtown School of Science and Technology is plain Midtown High in this universe. Peter sits in the office while the guidance counselor files his registration forms and gets his schedule ready. While he waits, Peter takes in as much as he can.

The walls are the exact same color as his Midtown. The layout is the exact same. This school is less focused on academic decathlons and more focused on football championships. While his Midtown's glass displays were filled with chess matches, academic team regionals, and robotics tournaments, this Midtown is all about sports. Lovely.

Through the window, Peter can see students getting things from their lockers, walking to class, and just hanging out. He can see the spot where Peter and Ned reunited after the battle with Thanos. But there's no Ned here.

"Alright Mr. Parker, here's your schedule," the guidance counselor slides a piece of paper towards him, "your first class is on the second floor, fourth door on your right. If any of your courses gives you trouble, we'd be more than happy to arrange tutoring sessions."

"Got it, thank you." Peter takes the paper and looks over his courses. He can't help the thrill that travels down his spine at the idea of being in chemistry again. And physics. And calculus, computer lab, even English Lit. He missed school.

"One last thing. Every student is required to join a sports team for at least one season. As you're a senior, that means this is your chance. Here's a list of teams to try out for. Have a great first day."

Peter takes the second sheet of paper less enthusiastically.

He's reading over the choices for sports teams when Bobby runs by with some other freshmen boys. "Good luck on the first day, bro!"

His first class is chemistry. He spots an empty seat at a lab table in the back, across from Rogue, and grabs it. It'll be perfect to keep a low profile while he works on making web fluid.

Rogue looks up from her notebook when he sits down.

"Hey," Peter says. Rogue grunts in response. "School not your thing?"

"People aren't my thing," she answers with a hint of melancholy. Peter decides not to push it. Rogue obviously doesn't want to talk about it.

While the class fills up with other students, Peter catalogs chemicals and resources he can use later. He's spotted most of the elements he uses for his web fluid already, and there are plenty of beakers. Maybe the final two are hidden in some of the storage cabinets.

"Good morning students!" The chem teacher walks in. "Let's talk about Bohr models!"

A collective groan comes from the class. Peter sits up a little straighter.

He keeps his head down through this class and the next. The one after is English Lit. He spots Rogue again, but this time Jean is here too. Rogue takes a seat in the very back while Jean is sitting on her desk talking to a kid in the front row. She waves him over.

"Hey Peter, how's your first day?" Jean asks.

The boy she's talking to smiles at Peter, "it's your first day?"

Peter nods. "It's going pretty well."

"Welcome to Midtown dude. I'm Robbie Robertson." He fist bumps Peter.

"Nice to meet you man." Peter notices a camera in Robbie's bag. "Cool camera."

Robbie's face lights up. "Just got it-" the bell rings. Robbie frowns. "I'll show you later."

The class takes their seats. Peter heads to the third row, where he's diagonally in front of Rogue. He sets his backpack down and takes a seat. He reaches into his backpack to grab a notebook and pencil when the teacher walks in.

"I hope everyone had a great weekend, now who's ready to talk about The Stranger?"

Peter sits up so fast he whacks his head on the corner of his desk. He rubs the back of his head as snickers float throughout the room, definitely noticing the new kid.

But Peter doesn't care.

He sits up, slower this time, keeping his eyes trained on the floor, almost too afraid to look up. His pulse is racing. His heartbeat is so loud it's all he can hear. He swallows and steels himself. He looks up.

Standing at the front of the classroom, holding a copy of The Stranger, is his Aunt May.

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