I love you

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The sky was fairly clear but were dotted with soft misty clouds as the gleaming yellow orb known as the sun was gleaming down onto the mountains that were tall and intimidating but were placed around the nature reserve for people to hike and climb on. There was also a wide blue lake in the centre of it all, covered in delicate lily pads that bobbed on top of the clear water.

A duo consisting of  a red spiky haired boy and a fiery ash blonde haired boy were following the rocky trail that looped around the deep blue lake, holding hands and just generally embracing each others company.

Kirishima stopped walking and noticed a slightly rustic and creaky dock that led to some shabby, badly painted rowing boats that were tied to the posts. He gently tugged on Bakugo's sleeve and pointed to the rusty boats.

"Kat look, do you wanna go on the boats?" He asked, gently dragging him towards the dock. Bakugo looked up and turned, following his gaze before stumbling after him,
"Does it say we can go on them?, they look pretty old" He asked, looking around for a sign. 

"Ehhh who cares, cmon" Kirishima said, walking along the dock as it creaked and wobbled. Bakugo watched him and laughed slightly before following after him, assisting his red headed boyfriend onto the boat.

Bakugo steadily climbed in and sat at the opposite end, facing Kirishima as the sharp toothed boy had taken the paddles and slowly began to push away from the docks. The two had reached the centre of the lake, the sun still beaming down onto them, giving them both that glowing orange look as it had eventually began to set.

Kirishima was leaning over the edge, swirling his hands in the lukewarm water. Bakugo peacefully watched him, smiling to himself. God was he lucky to have somebody Kirishima, Kirishima was perfect.

Kirishima sat up and noticed Katsuki staring, he laughed to himself and smiled, "Like what you see Kat?" He said with a giggle as he folded his arms. Bakugo quickly shifted and rolled his eyes before smirking, "Shut up Eiji" He said, smirking slightly.

"You know you look really gorgeous in the sun" He muttered leaning forward and giving his usual Katsuki smile. Kirishima felt himself go pink and looked at Bakugo for a moment before leaning back and smiling, "You're pretty cute too Kat".

Bakugo looked at him and studied his face as he heard what Kirishima had said, he blinked slightly before gently pushing Kirishima away, his face going just as pink as Kirishima's,
"Yeah whatever" He mumbled, folding his arms and leaning back.

"Aww is big bad Katsuki embarrassed" Kiri said with a laugh as he pulled Bakugo back up by tugging on his arm, "You're gonna knock the boat over, be careful shitty hair" Bakugo said as the boat wobbled slightly, laughing nervously as he looked back up and saw Kiri.

"I'm always careful, i have no clue what you're on about" Kirishima said, smiling and laughing to himself and his grabbed the paddles and gently began to row the boat along, noticing the willow tree and heading over. Bakugo smiled before resting his head upon Kiri's leg, watching the clouds.

Kirishima eventually rested the boat beneath the weeping tree and glanced down at Bakugo with a gentle toothy smile as he ran his hands through his spikey ashe blonde hair. Bakugo shifted gently and gave a small smirk back up as he looked at his boyfriend, admiring his features.

"You know Eiji, i've been thinking" Katsuki mumbled as he gently closed his eyes as he relaxed a little. 
"Uhuh and what have you been thinking?" Kirishima said with a small laugh as he leant back and looked up at the leaves above him, shading the cool waters in which the boat they were sat in rested upon.

"That you should move in with me" He said as he continued to close his eyes, not being too keen on seeing his boyfriend's reaction.

Kirishima stopped for a moment, did he really just ask that?

I mean he wasn't going to say no. He loved Katsuki a lot and i mean a lot. 

"Move in?" He said with a smile, "What like roomates or something?" He asked, leaning over Bakugo's face. 

"Roomates?? no idiot like boyfriends" He said with a small laugh as he quickly sat up and turned to face him, "So, will you?" 
Kirishima quickly nodded before smiling, "Yes, yes of course, why wouldn't i!" He said, laughing and lunging forward as he cupped Bakugo's face and pulled him in for a kiss. 

Bakugo was jolted forward but quickly smiled and he kissed Kirishima back, placing his arms around his neck. 

For just that moment, it felt like the whole world was just on hold, just for them. Nothing had felt more surreal than that one serene moment of just pure bliss, two people who really love each other. What more could anybody want?

As Kiri had lunged forward, the boat had shook slightly and just after they broke away from the kiss the two toppled over into the water as the boat capsized and turned over. 

They both broke the waters surface, gasping for air before both of them burst into a fit of laughter as they just rested their, soaking wet and laughing at what had just happened. 
Bakugo watched the laughing Kirishima before smiling again.

This smile was different, this smile was compassionate and sympathetic, he truly felt in love with the person who was laughing in front of him, he loved Kirishima.

"I love you" Bakugo said as he looked at Kirishima, who's hair was completely wet and lost its "spikiness". 

Kirishima paused and looked at his boyfriend before giving his best usual toothy grin as he gently pulled Bakugo closer in the water, 

"I love you too"

Bakugo pulled Kirishima in for a kiss, this kiss was like no other that they had shared before.

It was passionate but loving, you could say "sparks flew" or "fireworks exploded" when it happened, but honestly. 

A realisation happened, a realisation that two people loved each other very much. A realisation that these two people cared for each other so very much. 

The two pulled away and eventually began to heave the boat back onto shore and just leave it where it was, as a memory of what had happened in the cool blue waters of the lake.

They both headed home, happy as anybody who had just moved in with their partner could be. Bakugo watched as Kirishima settle into his place with a smile placed across his normally stone cold face.

It finally felt like a proper home. 

(Word Count: 1108)

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