"Stupid" smirk

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In this world, you are typically bound to a person,


You don't know who they are or what they do, they're practically a walking, breathing mystery.
But when you find them, you know you've found the person. 
You know that they're the one for you,


                                                                            ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Eijiro Kirishima had not yet found his "person" and he was worried he would never find this person, ever. All of his friends had supposedly found their lovers and he was the last one standing.

It was picking at him, why hadn't he found them yet?, had they passed?, what if they didn't exist?
He either worried about it too much or didn't think much of it at all, no in between.
                                                                             ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Katsuki Bakugo was the complete opposite, in the shortest way possible.

He wasn't really bothered by the idea, despite him being a massive flirt with a stupidly handsome smirk that somehow worked on everybody he ever met, yet the relationship never seemed to work.

He thought the whole idea was a bit stupid, but maybe he was being a bit biased because he hadn't really had much luck with romance, he was too busy building up his career and climbing the social and economic ladder to bother with romance until he moved into a new apartment building, that's when it all changed for him.

Funnily enough it was also about to change for another guy, in the same apartment building.


                                                                              ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Kirishima was strolling through the city, in each hand he was carrying those classic brown bags filled with groceries. He was rushing as he was heading home, dodging past people and gently yelling the mandatory, "sorry" or "my bad" . 

He finally reached his apartment building and looked up at the tall building, it was made of rustic red brick but was clearly quite old, he sighed as the red head realised had to climb 4 whole flights of stairs before he could even reach the elevator floor and then he could finally reach the comfort of his apartment and his comfortable bed, with shark patterned duvet covers, of course.

As he finally arrived at his floor, after having a quiet elevator journey, he turned the key in the lock, then he heard heavy footsteps behind him, he quickly turned to see a tall, handsome ash blonde man heaving down the hallway. Kiri caught his breath back as the two looked at each other, both their scarlett blood coloured eyes locking before the blonde gave a small "stupid" smirk as he continued down the hallway. 

Kirishima paused, trying to process what happened. Who the fuck was this man and why was he so goddamn attractive? And why the fuck had he only just seen this man now and never ever before? Was he new to the building? He shook his head before pushing backwards onto his door as he entered his neatly decorated apartment.

Why was that stupid man so captivating, all he did was smirk- A stupid smirk at best- Kiri thought as he slumped down onto his couch that was luckily nearby. That goddamn smirk caught him up in a trance and his stupidly beautiful blonde hair, he just wanted to run his hands through that goddamn hair, he had never seen a colour like it before, it was crazy to him.

Who the fuck was this guy??? 

All throughout the night, he kept tossing and turning and stared at the wall, he did all he could do to fall asleep but all Kirishima could think about was the damn stupid sharp ass smirk from that stupid ass blonde and because he couldn't sleep, he did what he usually did...

Go up onto the roof.

And thats what he did.

                                                                                  ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ 

As he opened the door with the peeling white paint and the rusty door handle, he noticed a figure in the distance who was watching the city below, he seemed oddly familiar but  he decided to ignore them because it was usually normal for people to be up here despite the building owners not allowing it. 

As Kirishima got closer he realised it was that stupid blonde with the stupidly attractive smirk from before. He stopped in his tracks and caught his breath before leaning against the metal railing, looking over the city, trying to not look suspicious as he tried to keep his eyes off the mysterious man.

Before he could even realise, this "mysterious man" had slowly slid his way over and was looking at the red head with that stupid smirk, Kiri quickly turned and backed up slightly as he realised how close this guy was.

"Funny seeing you here shitty hair" The guy said, with a small smirk before turning to look at the somehow calm city, "It's a bit late to be up here"

Kiri paused again and processed what he just said, "Hey- my hair isn't shitty, it's almost like yours when its styled" He fought back before folding his arms in protest, "I come up here when i can't sleep and this is my first time seeing you up here, so you're one to talk with that stupid smirk-"

The guy laughed and turned again to face him, "Stupid smirk? you seemed to stare at me for a while after i walked past and flashed this 'stupid smirk' ", He said, doing those little air quotation motions with his hands. 

Kirishima shook his head and smiled slightly, "You're stupid, i would never" He lied, staring ahead.

"Yeahhh, of course" The guy said, also seeming to stare forward, "I'm Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo" He said, glancing at the guy.

"Damn, first names already?" Kiri asked with a "stupid smirk". "I'm Eijiro Kirishima-"

"Well i have a feeling we'll see each other often if you can't sleep at night, Kirishima"

"I guess so, Bakugo" Kirishima said before giving his own "stupid smirk" and walking away, heading back to his apartment.

At this point, Kirishima realised that he may of just found "his person", the person he may spend the rest of his life with, forever.

And so did Bakugo.

They were practically bound together, forever.

(im so sorry this took so long to post, ily all tyyy!!)

                                                                     (Word Count: 1018)

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