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Today was valentines day, the day throughout the entire day where it either made people feel super lonely or super in love. Or some people just didn't care.

But Katsuki Bakugo was very much in love but he just didn't know how to express his feelings and a sudden interest in his best friend.

Eijiro Kirishima

He had decided that today will be the day to finally open up and tell his best friend that he very much loves him.

The entirety of class 1a were sat in class as it was the prime day of valentines day. Katsuki Bakugo was sat in his seat as his head was rested in his palm as he nervously stared out the window. Eijiro Kirishima was sat on the other side of the room and he had noticed how nervous Bakugo had been today, it wasn't like him, obviously.

Bakugo was more of the "shut up", aggressive type rather than the sit quietly nervously type.
He shrugged off and quickly turned to face the front. 

Eventually class had ended and lunch had begun. Bakugo quickly packed up and kept his eye on Kirishima, this was the start of his plan. Kiri quickly followed Denki and Sero out of the classroom and took a quick glance at Bakugo before smiling to himself slightly as he left the classroom.

Mina had also noticed Bakugo and sneakily followed him out and jumped up on him, "Heyyy, Bakugo, you gonna ask out Kiri for valentines??" She teased, walking beside him.
He shrugged her off and grunted slightly, "Shut it pinky" He muttered as he headed to the canteen. She laughed slightly before nudging him, "Aww cmon, it'll be cutee~"

Bakugo glanced at her and gave a short smirk, "Just you wait" He said, swiftly heading into canteen. Mina paused slightly and smiled, proud of herself for getting it out of him.

Bakugo ran up to Kirishima and quickly tugged on his arm, "Can we just speak for a minute?" He huffed, glancing at Sero and Denki as they both looked at him funny, he guessed Mina had already told them. Kiri gently nodded and signalled the others to go sit down.

"After school, can you meet me at that old oak tree behind the dorms?" He asked, kicking his feet at the floor before looking back at Kirishima who was smiling to himself. 
"Yeah sure, I'll cya there Kat" Kiri replied with a toothy grin, giving a small wave as he caught up to the others. Bakugo smiled to himself and followed Kirishima to the table.

For the rest of the day, Bakugo couldn't keep his eyes off the bright red head and it didn't help that he was extremely nervous of what he was gonna ask and what Kirishima would say back.

What if he said no? What if Bakugo fucked up their friendship because of some useless feelings he felt? What if Kirishima got embarrassed or offended? Does Kiri even like men?

The two had never really spoken about their sexuality to each other much, the topic never really came up between them but Bakugo had mentioned the fact that he does feel attraction to the opposite gender and of course Kiri accepted that, he wasn't exactly the type to disown Bakugo as a friend because of that and thats what Bakugo liked about him so much. He was so kind and considerate about people and maybe Bakugo could learn a few things from Kirishima.

That time ticking bell went off and signalled the end of the day, Katsuki shook himself out of that daydream and began packing up his stuff before watching Kirishima do the same, hopefully he didn't forget. Bakugo swiftly left the classroom and began heading towards that god old oak tree behind the dorms.

Kirishima didn't stop thinking about what Bakugo had asked at lunch, Were they going to do training? Were they gonna do revision? He had no clue but he did consider all options, What if Bakugo was gonna ask him out? He couldn't think ahead of himself, but luckily he was about to find out for himself.

Bakugo was sat at the foot of the leafy tree, nervously but patiently waiting for Kirishima. A smile appeared on his face as he saw the recognisable red hair that was heading towards him, he quickly got up and smiled as Kiri approached him.

"Hey man, are we doing training or revision?" Eiji politely asked, folding his arms as he slumped down his bag and looked at Bakugo, who looked terribly nervous.

So unusual for him.

"Neither shitty hair" He replied, looking up at Kiri. Maybe insults weren't the way to win somebody's heart.
"I asked you out here because i needed to ask you something, something very important" Kat said, rubbing his eyes slightly in distress, his stomach twisting as he continued his mini speech.

"Considering it's valentines day and i realised that i needed to ask somebody before it's too late because i didn't want them getting with somebody else" He muttered, realising that sounded a bit stupid.

"Not that i only want them to stop them from getting with somebody else-" He quickly said, huffing slightly. "I just want to say that, i think you're literally amazing and that you are the most prettiest and stupidest person i've ever met and i don't think my love would ever stop for somebody like you Kirishima" He blurted, his ears going pink as he couldn't stop thinking about what Kiri would say. 

Kiri's face dropped in astonishment before a happy smile appeared on his face, Was this some trick? He ignored that thought and continued to smile. While Bakugo's stomach was twisting, Kiri's was flipping around out of excitement. 

"And i would really like it if you could be my valentine or even something further" He asked, looking back up at Kiri who looked pleasantly surprised. 

"Kat i can't believe-" He said as he began to speak before Kat quickly cut him off.
"I knew it, i'm sorry i shouldn't of said anything-" Bakugo quickly said, going embarrased.

Kirishima paused before going all sympathetic, he had never seen this side to Bakugo which made his heart melt even more.
"Listen dipshit, i think you're pretty amazing and hot too and i would love to be your valentine or even more" Eijiro said with a grin as he placed his arms on Bakugo's shoulders, giving him a smile.

Bakugo raisied his brows in response, the pink spreading to his cheeks as he looked up at the red head who was grinning as brightly as anybody could before he gently grabbed Katsuki's shirt and brought him into a long awaited kiss. Bakugo smiled and melted into the kiss that was brought up by Eijiro.

The two broke away and smiled at each other before bursting into sets of adorable and pleasant laughter, both thankful that it was what they both expected.

"You don't know how long i've been waiting to ask you" Bakugo mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat down beneath the tree again.
"You don't know how long i've been waiting to kiss you" Kiri said, sitting down next to the ash blonde, tracing circles on his hand. 
Bakugo gave one of his rare but cute smiles to Kiri who returned the smile, the two finally had their dreams come true.

(Word Count:1205)

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