11 - Long time no see

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AN: I do not know how this new character has affected Mitch in any way. I am only using his name because he's had a part in Mitch's life and I like using familiar names.


"Hey, has anyone seen Mitch?" Scott glanced towards the bar and saw an empty stool where Mitch had sat.

"I don't know, babe. He didn't follow us to the dance floor." Alex rubbed his hands on Scott's shoulders. "I'm sure he's probably off dancing with some sexy guy."

"You're probably right." Scott chuckled. "I'm going to text him to make sure he's okay, just to be safe."

"I did see him down a few drinks at some point, but I figured he would have joined us afterwards," Kevin added.

"That's not like him to just disappear on us, though. Usually he'd at least tell me or ask me to look at the guy first." Scott pursed his lips and pulled his phone out, typing away.

Scott: U better not be having any fun w/out me!

Scott: Well I always have fun with Alex so u should be having fun.

Scott: U know what I mean. Text me soon. K BYE <3

Scott put his phone back in his pocket and continued dancing until Avi approached him.

"Hey, man. Do you have a second?" Avi gently grabbed his arm, turning him away from Alex for a moment.

"Yeah. I'll be right back, babe." Scott gave Alex a quick peck on the lips and Alex reached for Kirstie and they danced and laughed together. Avi pulled Scott over to the bar and they sat down. When a bartender came over, Avi politely declined for the both of them. "What's up?"

"I was just curious if you had taken my advice? You said you had a lot of pent up confusion and needed an outlet."

"Oh, the journal thing?" Scott set his empty glass on the bar top. "I did, actually. I got a response, and-"

"I know."

"-the guy t... wait, how do you know?"

"I get around." Avi smirked. "So, you've got some problems."

"Oh, God." Scott got nervous. "Please don't tell him. I can't deal wit-"

"Don't worry. I'm not one for starting crap." Avi smiled. "I am concerned for you, though. What you're doing isn't healthy for you or for Alex."

"I know it's not. Sometimes I think my feelings for you-know-who are just a phase. He and I are strictly platonic. He doesn't even care for me in that manner." Scott turned around and motioned for the bartender. Suddenly he felt the need for a drink.

"I beg to differ." Avi smirked. "I came into your dressing room earlier and saw some things."

"What?" Scott's eyes widened. "You interrupted us, door slammer!"

"I'm glad I did! As far as I'm concerned, you probably shouldn't be doing that with Alex on the side. I don't want anyone getting hurt. And I call bullshit if you don't think Mitch has similar feelings for you."

"If he did, we wouldn't be talking about this right now." Scott found the bartender and ordered two drinks so he could take one to Alex.

"If he did, which he seriously does, why would he have been moping at the bar and getting plastered while all of us couple status people danced?"

That struck a tone in Scott's head. How could he have been so stupid? He always told Mitch that he was his number one, especially with Alex around. Mitch was the vulnerable type sometimes.

"Your gears are turning now." Avi smiled. "I'm going to leave you with this advice. You're going to have to hurt someone in your situation, but as long as you treat it in a healthy manner, everyone will pan out how you want. If you choose Alex, I'm positive Mitch will find happiness. Likewise for Alex if you choose Mitch. Just don't break up the band." With that harsh note, Avi patted Scott on the back and left him at the bar to receive his drinks.

What am I supposed to do now?


"Long time no see."

"T-travis?" Mitch couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't process the person in front of him, mostly because he was drunk and didn't want to believe what he was seeing. "What are you d-"

"Doing in Los Angeles?" Travis smiled a wicked grin. "I'm here on holiday and needed a drink. I was hoping I'd find some perfect people while I was here. Look who I ran into. A perfect person." Travis popped the p's and motioned for the bartender to pour him a drink.

"I haven't seen you since high school." Mitch's voice lowered. His last encounter with Travis didn't go so well.

"Popularity has done you so good, Mitchell." Travis released his grip from Mitch's shoulder and grazed his cheek. Mitch sharply pulled away. He looked out towards the dancing crowd in hopes that Scott would see him.

"Don't call me that name." Mitch cut his eyes back towards Travis. "What do you want me... from me?" Mitch spun back on his stool a little too fast and got dizzy. He grabbed the bar top and tried to focus, but Travis was going every which way in his eyes.

Travis accepted the drink the bartender set in front of him and he downed it immediately. "I admit that I regret letting you go, especially now that you're some famous hot shot and you've finally toned up a little." Travis grabbed Mitch's waist and found the hem of his shirt and lifted it up. Mitch swatted at his hand and missed, flinging his body in Travis's direction. "This is just like you... throwing yourself at me like always." Travis grabbed hold of Mitch and held him steady.

"Don't touch me, Travis. I'm here with somebody... out there." Mitch pointed towards the dance floor and Travis glanced over, managing to catch a glimpse of Scott.

"Scott Hoying!" Travis threw his head back and laughed. "You're with that slut? I thought he was straight." Travis watched carefully as he saw Scott pull another tall blonde against him and he started tugging at his lip with his teeth. "Scotty is definitely occupied by someone else. That means you're lying and you're here alone." Travis pulled Mitch closer and practically picked him off the bar stool.

"I'm not alone. I have friends." Mitch glared at Travis before scanning the crowd, hoping to see somebody.

"What friends?" Travis laughed. Before Mitch could stop Travis, he was following him out the front door. Mitch wasn't strong enough to stop Travis. "Travis, stop. I need t-" Mitch felt his phone vibrate. Travis pulled Mitch against a wall and pulled his shirt up a bit and explored Mitch's chest. Mitch fought against Travis and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He read the texts from Scott as quickly as he could.

"Was that your boyfriend, Mitchell?" Travis lowered Mitch's hands as he stared absentmindedly into his phone.

"No." Mitch could cry. He looked up at Travis and blinked fast, holding back some impending tears of frustration and fear.

"What, did he do something to upset you, babe?" Travis lifted Mitch's chin up.

"S-sort of." Mitch took a deep breath but only managed a shallow one with a small coughing fit to follow.

"Come on, Mitchell. You don't need the slut. We need to catch up." Travis grabbed Mitch's phone and stuffed it in his pocket before pulling Mitch outside with him. Mitch didn't resist, only because he knew it was a battle that he wouldn't win.

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