18 - We're Platonic

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Scott, sry for not txting sooner. Flight really delayed. About to head to TX meow. TtyS, bitch.

This wasn't Mitch. Scott knew that for sure. Scott's stomach churned. He had just lied to Mitch's mother about the wherabouts of her son. The first clue was "meow." Mitch had always joked about how stupid it was for people to say "meow" as opposed to now. Sure, Mitch was obsessed with cats, but not enough to say their language. Mitch always made fun of the people who said that.

The second clue was bitch. Silly as it sounds, bitch is too easy of an insult. Mitch is quite the creative and colorful speaker, so Scott knew that he wouldn't just resort to bitch that easily. Another point Scott noticed is that Mitch might not have even chosen the profanity approach. They know each other on a level to where they can almost feel the other one panicking. Mitch would've known Scott to be worried, especially with all of his previous messages.

Do I text him back? Scott bit his lip. He stared at his phone in his hands and opened up a text message and hovered his thumb over the keyboard. "What do I even say?" He groaned and just began typing whatever came to mind.

Mitch. Please call me as soon as you can. I am seriously worried. Not joking.

That's all he could think of. Scott was too panicked to think smarter and on his feet. Thoughts raced through his head of the different scenarios that could've happened. Someone stole his phone? That could be possible, but the person couldn't access it because Mitch had the new iPhone where you either unlock it with your thumb or with your code. Maybe someone cut Mitch's thumb off and stole his phone... no, that's too horrible of a scenario. What other scenarios could there be?

Scott's attention was turned away from the situation when he heard a loud crash. He turned his head and saw Wyatt sliding across the coffee table and knocking a few things down, including Mitch's little black book.

"Wyatt!" Scott sighed and picked Wyatt up, setting him on the couch. He tidied the coffee table up slightly and noticed that the book had touched the floor. Scott's eyes lit up. It gave him some inspiration to do what he hated to do. He hated invading personal space, but when it's necessary, you must do it. Scott flipped the book open to the last page written on. He'd assumed that Mitch's song book was part lyrics, part poetry, part diary. Indeed, to Scott's findings, it was.

Scott saw a few dates and noted that the last one he'd written was three days ago.

"The past can't hurt you anymore, not unless you let it." V for Vendetta. I sure wish I'd obeyed that advice. Words from this evening haunt me. Words that should have never been said. The ironic part about that is they were my own words. I had to say them to save myself. I wish I could cut off my tongue for saying this. "I've been a mess ever since. Now that you're finally here with me again, we can finish what we started." A person from my past is back. This person is the exact person I've been running from. I finally ran as far as California and he no longer existed in my mind. I loved him, or so I thought.

"No one can hate you more than someone who used to love you." Thanks, The Blood of Olympus. I don't even know if quoting Rick is intelligible in this manner. Travis never even loved me.

Scott stopped reading and slammed the book shut, leaving a finger to mark his place. He didn't realize he was speaking out loud. "Damn it, Travis!" Scott continued to read.

A few days ago, I was raped by my ex-boyfriend.

At this point, Scott grew furious. Tears of anger formed in his eyes and he fought hard for words, but nothing would come to mind.

I was jealous because Scott was dancing with Alex. How silly of me. It's such a school girl matter. But I ended up following him out of the club to his hotel room. I admit to fighting only partially, but the alcohol pursuaded me otherwise when I realized Scott was enjoying his time with Alex. I never had a place with Scott romantically. We're platonic.

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