27 - Fresher Than You

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Mitch and Scott had almost rekindled their friendship once again. Mitch had tried his hardest to put his feelings on the back burner and did a good job at that, but it was hard when Alex was in the picture. Mitch liked Alex, but a part of it was only by force. Alex would always come around and spend time with them, never giving either of them some alone time. Mitch had to respect that as best as he could.

The boys had Alex over for the night and they'd made plans to just have a lazy movie night. After a few drinks, movie night was pointless. They were too hyper and wild to be tame.

"We should film a video for Superfruit!" Mitch jumped up from the couch and ran to his room. "WE NEED OUR ONESIES FOR THIS ONE."

Scott looked at Alex and started laughing. "He's such a lightweight." Scott and Alex were only tipsy. If Mitch was drinking wine, he was drunk within ten minutes. There was something about wine that would get him there much faster.

"At least he's back to his old self." Alex chuckled. "I don't want to be in this video, but I can film it for you?"

"Are you sure?" Scott put his hand on Alex's leg.

"Yeah. I love seeing the mastermind behind you guys' thought process anyway. It'll be a hoot for me to watch it." Alex kissed Scott on the cheek. "Where's your camera gear?"

"It's in my room!" Scott stood up and went to his room to grab the camera and the tripod. Scott checked to make sure it was fully charged and it had plenty of memory on it. He knew that when they were drunk they'd film for over an hour, only to cut it down to a video under five minutes. Scott came into the living room and set the camera up, showing Alex how to work it. Moments later, Mitch came bouncing out of his room wearing his bear onesie.

"Why aren't y'all wearing your onesies? I'm fresher than you." Mitch sat on the couch in a fit of giggles. "OH MY GOD."

Scott's eyes widened. "DID YOU JUST-"

"YES." Mitch and Scott's minds worked together. They both screamed "7/11" at the same time, leaving Alex to just watch as their minds exploded together. Scott looked at Alex.

"Alex, we need to play 7/11 over and over and over again. This video is going to be that."

"No, Scotty. We should do our own music video based on hers. Like, movements and shit."

"We can even be in our underwear, too. So risque."

"Slay." Mitch smirked. "Can we use onesies, though? Because I seriously look so fresh in this. And I'm not wearing anything under it." Scott blushed and was thankful he was facing away from Alex. Before Scott could respond, Mitch looked at Alex. "Hey! You can be in it too! Your first Superfruit delay!"

"Delay?" Alex crinkled his nose.

"Um. Display. Delay... I can't English very well. I don't know the word. BUT IT'S YOUR FIRST VIDEO." Mitch pulled the hood off of his head.

"I actually want to film it. I'm more in the mood to watch you guys act crazy, if that's okay?"

"That's more than okay," Scott said. "Why? Because you get to be the first person ever to see this video. Bey will see this video and learn that Alexander Kirk filmed it and then you'll get hired by her people. Bey has people. She has people for her people."

"DEBUT!" Mitch yelled, laughing.

"There you go! And, yeah, I'm sure she does." Alex laughed. "Let's get to watching this video and see what we can recreate."

"WAIT." Mitch disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of nothing but shredded cheese and he set it on the table next to his drink. Scott laughed, but Alex only looked confused.

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