12 - Something Like That

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The next morning, Scott woke up to a naked Alex lying in bed next to him. He definitely remembered and could feel with small movements the process that got him lying next to this beautiful man, but the one thing on his mind this morning was Mitch. Scott had gotten home around three in the morning and still hadn't heard from him, nor received a text. He was sure that Mitch probably had gone home with some beautiful boy, but it was unlike Mitch to at least contact Scott. That was their thing, to keep each other posted. They were like family here in California, and since they lived together they assumed responsibility for each other. He got out of bed as slowly and quietly as possible and threw on his boxer shorts and went into Mitch's room, only to find Wyatt curled up in Mitch's bed alone.

Mitchy, where are you? Scott sighed and found his phone inside his jeans that laid on the floor of the living room. He smirked at the memories of why his jeans were on the floor and immediately shot Mitch a text.

Scott: Mitch. I'm worried about u. Are u ok?

Moments later, Scott's phone vibrated and he saw an incoming message.

Mitch: Yes.

Scott went back into Mitch's room and lay next to Wyatt, stroking him behind the ear with his free hand.

Scott: What happened last night? Did u have a little 2 much fun with some1? ;)

Mitch: Something like that...

Scott smiled, assuming Mitch had gone home with someone. As selfish as he was with Mitch, he knew that he needed it after seeing Scott and Alex on the dance floor. Mitch was allowed to date and see other people. It was probably for the best.

Only it wasn't.


Mitch finally made it home a little before noon. Alex had gone, so he thought Scott would be gone too. Mitch opened the door quietly and went to his bedroom, hoping to lay down in his bed and sleep, considering he hadn't slept at all that night. He didn't expect to find Scott lying down in his bed. As soon as Mitch opened the door, Wyatt began meowing, waking Scott up.

"Wyatt, be quiet." Scott groaned and stirred, opening his eyes to see Mitch in the doorway. "Mitch!" He jumped up and ran over to his friend and gave him a hug. He was completely oblivious to Mitch wincing at Scott's touch. "I was worried about you! I'm glad you had a good night." Scott smiled and pulled away from Mitch. "I was petting Wyatt and then I dozed off... your bed is more comfortable than mine is."

"Yeah..." Mitch let out a silent laugh. He put on his best fake face, hoping Scott wouldn't see through it. He didn't want to admit what had happened last night.

"So, who'd you go home with last night, tiger?" Scott nudged Mitch's ribs, and he winced. Scott noticed this time. "Damn, did you have a little too much fun?"

"Ow... yeah, I did." Mitch smiled. "It's not what you think, though. My ribs hurt because I took a fall on the dance floor. I found Jake and we ended up going back to his place and watching a movie. I got too drunk and just wanted to be still. You know I get sometimes." You suck at lying, Grassi. Scott will never believe it.

"Oh, I didn't know Jake was there!" Scott smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're home. I've got to go run some errands. Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks. I'm going to take a nap with Wyatt while you're gone. We didn't fall asleep until really late."

When Scott left and Mitch knew he was home alone, he laid in bed for awhile, trying to process his evening. He had way too many thoughts running through his head. He had no memory of he got to Travis's hotel room and no memory of leaving the bar at all. Mitch's thoughts caused him to be restless, so he got up slowly stood in front of the mirror and took his shirt off, looking at the bruises Travis left over his ribs. He ran his hand gently across the one Scott nudged and winced. He looked into the mirror with dry eyes at first. He looked at his wrists that had been tied above his head no less than six or seven hours ago. He looked at his chest that had hickeys lined on his collarbone, bite marks on the opposite side, and scratch marks that looked irritated. He didn't dare turn around to see how bad his back was, but he knew with every movement just how bad it was. Mitch reached for the shirt he'd pulled off and put it back on, not wanting to see Travis's evidence. He didn't want to see his weakness. Mitch laid back on his bed slowly and tried to get comfortable. He ignored the kitten who was meowing for attention and pulled his knees close to his chest in a fetal position. His once dry eyes were now flowing streams as he cried himself to sleep.

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