24 - You Need Me Here, Though

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Two weeks later

Mitch had finally almost completely healed. The nightmares had stopped, but Scott still stayed in Mitch's room. Mitch would tell him every night that Scott didn't need to stay, but Scott would argue that he was just comforting his friend and making sure nothing bad happened to him. Mitch couldn't refuse. Even though Scott had punctured Mitch with some words that he knew weren't intentionally puncturing, he had to admit that he loved the comfort. But it drove Mitch up the wall because Scott was very persistent with his care over the past few weeks of him being home. Scott wouldn't let Mitch lift anything heavy. He wouldn't let him clean anything. Mitch felt like he wasn't living his life the way he wanted. Mitch didn't say anything because he didn't want to hurt Scott's feelings. But Mitch began to notice that Scott was starting to be neglectful towards Alex, his boyfriend. Despite his feelings, Mitch couldn't allow Scott to do that. If there's one thing he knew for sure, it was to be loyal to your partner.


A morning of meetings made the boys tired. They came back to their apartment to lounge around and make some lunch. It was rare that they ever ate at the apartment, but it became a popular deal ever since Mitch was in the hospital.

"Mitch, why don't you write anymore?" Scott had noticed that Mitch hadn't picked the black book up since he took a photo of the lyrics two weeks ago.

"I'm just not feeling inspired." Mitch sighed. He was sitting on the couch criss-crossed with Wyatt in his lap. "I'm just having a dry spell. I've been through a lot." He chuckled lightly.

"I know." Scott frowned. He knew that he had a full set of lyrics ready. Should he pry? Yes. "Do you have anything written? I'd love to help."

"No." Mitch said sharply. He scratched Wyatt behind the ear.

"You're constantly writing in your book, though?"

"I haven't been lately. I've been stressed."

"But I saw that you h—" Scott stopped. Shit. I said way too much.

"You read my book?" Mitch met his eyes with Scott's.

"I will admit that I did." Scott cut his eyes in the other direction. "How else would I have found you at that hotel with psycho Travis?"

"I don't know, but that's still an invasion of my privacy, Scott."

"We're best friends. We're extremely open with each other. You've shown me a few things in your book, so I figured it would have been okay!"

"It's okay when I show it to you. That's also my private journal. I write private things that only I want to see." Mitch picked Wyatt off his lap and set him on the cushion next to him. Scott didn't respond. He was taken aback at all of this. They never had arguments. Neither of them were ready to have their first one be over a silly little journal. After about a minute of silence, Mitch spoke again. "I'm sorry for overreacting. I'm just... well, I don't know. I just don't feel like myself." He stood up and walked away from the situation, grabbing his cup and plate from the table and putting it in the sink. Scott's head turned quickly at the sound of the water running. Mitch was about to do the dishes.

"You don't have to do that." Scott jumped up and came up behind Mitch. "You should relax. You're stressed and still heal—"

"SCOTT. I've been healing for weeks. I'm fine! I'm perfectly capable of doing the dishes. I'm not going to break." Mitch lightly shoved Scott away from him as he filled one side of the sink with warm soapy water.

"I'm just trying to help you." Scott sighed. "Can I do anything to help?"

"Uh, yeah. You can go see your boyfriend. You've been ignoring him."

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