Chapter two ✧The House of Lyra✧

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10 years later

It's been 10 years since Hinato Lyra was reborn into this world.

"He's a complete genius!" They say.
Gossip and rumours of the boy were spread far and wide as soon as the news broke that the child of the House of Lyra was born with jewelled eyes.

"He was reading magical text books in ancient script at the age of 8!" The maid spoke.

'Genius, gifted, blessed, powerful, gift from the heavens above, all these titles were given Hinato Lyra, but the 10 year old child did not want or care for these titles in the slightest, all the boy wanted was to understand what emotions were and what people call love was like.

"Young Master! Please get ready for breakfast, the lord would like to speak with you!" A freckled face maid called out.

"Yes I'll be ready in a minute." Hinato called out lazily getting up from his bed and putting on the clothes the maid set out.

He walked down to the dining room to eat breakfast, a tall man was on the other side already eating, barely even acknowledging his son's presence and just gave a head nod.

"Morning Father, what is it you wanted to speak with me about."

The boy said, while going to sit at the chair not the furthest away as he still needed to hear his father.

Hinato never tried to gain his father's attention or ask for affection or love from the man the maids often thought he was odd an child, never asking for anything, doing everything himself, they said he knew things that a 14 year old would know even though he was only 5 years old, but they often chalked it up to being the power of jewelled eyes, but every now and then they would wonder if he was just a genius or actually a god descended from the heavens.

"I have decided you will enter the Royal Academy, no excuses."

"Count Alan Castelli is coming to teach you proper swordsmanship and Sir Firanz is coming to test your academics and magic before you enter school at 16." The stoic man said in a demanding tone at the other side of the long wooden table.

Hinato was sure he thought he would argue like every other noble child, but the man thought wrong.

"Yes father I understand I'll get ready immediately." Hinato said in a calm voice so not to cause an argument this early in the morning.

People say the Young Master of the Lyra household holds no feelings completely empty, emotionless, they say all the power he holds has no space for emotions so consumed in trying to control his power he has no time for interactions with others.

People who have met with the poor young master say that he's like a puppet or robot only talking when asked to or needed, knowing what to do in any situation, knowing all the answers to every question asked, while also looking beautiful at every angle. They say he's the embodiment of the 'perfect person' but is it really true or is it all just an act or the means to survive?

Thank you for reading!! I really appreciate it! I hope you have a great new year! I'm really not sure how to write a plot that well I'll let you on a little secret here if anyone reads this- I actually wanted to right this story because I kept on having dreams about it and thought it would make a good story so I decided to write!

Love, your author! <3

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