Chapter ten ✧Control✧

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Akira and Hinato said their goodbyes to the rest of the council and start walking back to the dorms.

"So what to you think of them?" Akira asked grinning.

"Um, I'm not sure I think... Kaoru does very much have that powerful future king aura to him, he also seems very strong and powerful. Rei also does but, he also seems to like sleeping and messing around a lot, while Yuki seems very sweet, reserved and has the aura of someone every just seems to like, even without knowing them very well."

"Your observation sound just like them, it seems you already have to down to 'T' Hina" Akira chuckled.

"W-well, they were making it obvious, a-and I had already heard some stuff about them before from the maids talking..." Hinato blurted.

Akira smiled and chuckled before saying, "God Hina you're so cute..." He then grabbed his face and kissed him.

His soft, sweet lips that still tasted like the sweet flower tea they just had with an essence of strawberry, he was so immersed in the kiss that Akira didn't even realise they were still in the middle of the hallway, until Hinato pushed him off blushing furiously and breathless.

Akira sighed, apologising saying that "He simply couldn't resist!" After he said that he got punched in the arm by Hinato's very strong fists, they continued their walk to the dormitory.


"Well we arrived at the entrance to your dorm area, alright then, good night Hina." He kissed him again this time a good night kiss.

"Good night, see you tomorrow Aki." He let go of his hand waving goodbye and then went up the staircase to the dormitory.

Hinato slowly walked up and the stairs and into the common room, other students stared at him and voices started surrounding and ringing in his ears, laughter and whispers filled his head.

Suddenly his legs started sprinting into his dorm room and fell to the ground of his room, covering his ears and breathing heavily.

The whispers and ringing didn't stop, he could feel the seal on his eyes breaking and the power taking over he wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't fall, why did he feel like he wanted to burst, what's this feeling, why is his chest so heavy, he clenched his chest wondering. 'Why?' Why does he so badly want the warm embrace of Akira, his soft kisses and warm smile, Hinato's chest started to hurt and he could barely breathe, he wanted so badly to just die right then and there,

but, now that he knew Akira loved him, cared for him, WANTED him, Hinato to be alive, Hinato couldn't bare the thought of hurting Akira by killing himself, not yet at least.

Not until he has fully disappeared from Akira's life, so he wouldn't feel so guilty and upset that he's gone.

But why, WHY does his heart hurt so much about the thought of leaving Akira, is he just being selfish not wanting to leave when he already knows his fate, his fate and destiny of misery, destruction and ultimate death, but he couldn't possibly loose control and die now... he had Akira to take care of he needed to disappear from his life without causing any misery and pain for him,

He knows he needs to leave Akira as soon as possible, but every time he tries to strengthen the seal on his eyes it keeps breaking and deteriorating almost everyday especially when he's using emotions and especially when he's with or even just thinking about Akira.

Hinato laughs at this thought, the fact that I can't even think of him without my own body rejecting it...

How just how? Will he be able to leave his side without causing both of us pain?

He knew that if he wanted Akira to be happy he had to leave from his life before anything else could happen, before he got too close that even he couldn't bare to leave.

Thanks so much for reading and supporting my book!!! I appreciate it, I'm so sorry for slow updates I've been super busy lately and unfortunately my health hasn't been getting better, but don't worry I hope to get better soon!!

Love your author! <3

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