Chapter eighteen ✧My First and Last✧

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WARNING!! minor nsfw scene but nothing too explicit just implied (might write the full scene if I ever have time or want to)

"Uhhh, Aki you can change in the bathroom...or uh, um I can I guess..." Hinato's face was bright red and so was Akira's, Hinato was fiddling with the front of his shirt and looking down not knowing what to do or why he was even so embarrassed.

"Uh, no! I'll change in the bathroom you can change in here since it's your room!" Akira swiftly turned around and beelined it to the bathroom and softly slammed the door shut.

'Akira you idiot! Why did you ask to stay in his room! So selfish! Idiot, I'm so dumb! He's already going through enough, he doesn't need me to make even more stress for him,' Akira sat on the floor of the bathroom, hands on his bright red face wondering how he messed up so badly.

'Does he even know what sex is...probably not....ARGHH stop! Stop Akira!' He slapped his cheeks trying to stop himself of thinking of very indecent things of Hinato, a few minutes later there was a soft knock on the door.

"Aki? Are you done? You've been in there for awhile..." Hinato said and slightly opened the door.

Akira's face suddenly turned fully bright red even to the tips of his ears, Hinato was fully naked but had a silk robe on but open so Akira could see everything to the soft curves of his hips to his smooth silky legs.

"Oh my, Hina! Why-why are-?! Did you-!" Akira could barely utter a word from his mouth, he was bright red and had the back of his hand to his mouth.

"Isn't this what you wanted Aki?" Hinato titled his head in confusion and looked at Akira.

"Um, I mean, yeah kinda...but I then I though about it...and I didn't want to pressure you or anything, and you have just been through a lot and we technically did just have a big rough patch in our relationship and have haven't even been together for very and-" but before he could end his rambling Hinato suddenly put his lips on the others to shut him up.

"Shh, I think that's enough rambling for today..." Hinato grinned and kissed the taller boy's cheek.

"Uhh Hinaaa! You can't keep doing that to me! You'll end up killing me nextt!!" Akira whined as he wrapped his arms around the snow haired boy.

As he was hugging the smaller boy Akira suddenly felt the him unbuttoning his shirt.

"Hina? What are you doing?" Akira said letting go and looking down to see Hinato taking off the rest of his shirt.

"Well since this is what we both want, might as well let it happen, and anyway I want to be your first..." Hinato said puffing his cheeks out, then moving onto taking off the other boy's pants as well, then swiftly wrapping his arms around the other's neck then jumping, wrapping his legs around Akira's torso.

"Well hurry up, let's head to bed." Hinato says as he then proceeds to kiss Akira on the lips softly.

"Hina... Alright if you want to, and... If I'm your first and your my first, then let's also be our lasts." He says while smiling, walking over to the bed and softly placing Hinato down on the bed then taking his silk robe off while placing kisses all over his face and marks on his smooth body, the bright moonlight made the pale snow boy seem even more gorgeous as light glowed across his face making his purple jewelled eyes sparkle and stand out even more than usual.

"Alright then, I'll also be your last." He smiled as he placed a hand on the person he knows he'll only ever get to love... while the other, he hopes will be able to find a new person to love just as much or maybe even more as he loves him, it pains him to think of Akira loving someone more than he loves him but, he truly hopes he can find someone new to love.

As the night went on Hinato and Akira were happier then they could ever be both not wanting to let the other go, but both knowing somewhere deep, deep down that they just weren't ever meant to be, and it was just a matter of time before it happens.


"Hina, why are you crying... was I too hard on you?" Akira says apologetically as he wipes a tear off the cheek of his lover.

"It's nothing...I'm just happy." He says as he shoves his face deeper in the chest of the other, hoping that he didn't sense his lie.

"Oh are you, why's that?" He says chuckling, thinking he knows the answer, as he was fully oblivious to the lie.

"Because, you're here, and you love me out of all the people in the chose me, a person who everyone knows will eventually break..." Hinato whispers, he wasnt technically lying right, he just didn't fully tell all of his thoughts...

"Hina... I told you that, as long I'm here nothing else bad will happen to you, okay because I promise I will always protect you, and if we ever have kids I'll protect them with everything I got as well!" Akira says as he looks down at his jewelled eyed boyfriend and passionately kissed him on the lips with all the love he could possibly put in.

Hinato eyes pricked with tears again,

'Kids huh? He wants children... can I even have children, but even if I can I'll just pass my curse onto them... and they'll be even more miserable because they won't even have a mother... because I'll most likely be dead..."

Hinato could feel the seal on his eyes slowly breaking even more, even though he tried with all his might to strengthen it just mere moments ago, but he couldn't help but love this man and he couldn't bare to see him suffer even more, so he'll just have to suffer in his place.

Akira broke the kiss and grinned down at Hinato, completely oblivious to what was about what was happening to him and completely oblivious to what was soon coming...

Woah! What's this another chapter so soon?! Author-san is actually updating consistently?? Hahaha anyway thank you so much for reading!! I hope you enjoy his new chapter!! I hope to release another one soon as I have recently started to have more interest in this book!! I hope everyone had a good Christmas!! And also have a great new year, stay safe everyone!! Hope to see you soon!

Love from your author! <3

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