Chapter seventeen ✧I Lied This Time✧

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"Hina... that's just not true! You're not like them! You're your own person...and you're person I love the most out of anyone in the world." Tears still continued to fall down the midnight black haired boy as the snow haired boy lifted his hand and wiped a tear away even he didn't know what he was doing he seemed to do it instinctively.

Then suddenly he lips were on the Akira's, his hand wrapped around his neck as Akira, shocked and delighted embraced the smaller boy, their lips seemingly never wanting to separate.

While Hinato's thought were racing at his sudden action,

'What? What am I doing! I shouldn't be doing this need to stop! But- I...I missed this...him, I've been avoiding him for so long I forgot how much I loved his warm embrace and soft but loving kisses.'

"Hina... I love you so much, please don't leave me again...!" His voice was shaking, breath ragged and out of breath as he hugged Hinato even tighter leaning his head to hide wet face in the others neck.

"Aki...I-" The snow boy looked down at the ground also hiding in his boyfriends neck, he didn't know what to say he knew that at some point he had to leave everyone behind, but maybe just for a bit, he could just savour a few more days of this happiness...

Just a few more days, he hoped could hold off until then...

"Aki... I- I love you too... more than anything! You, you were the one who taught how to be a normal person...have emotions and feelings, you taught me everything! And most of all you taught me what love was... and that I love you!" Hinato shouted this as tears flowed again, but he could feel the jewels in his eyes starting to crack as he rebelled against his fate, his destiny... but he didn't care he loved this boisterous, cheeky man too much.


Akira's golden red eyes opened in shocked at what the boy had just said, he was so happy he didn't even know how to act, he loved his purple jewelled eyed boy more than anything in the world he'd even give up his life for him without even giving it a second thought, that truly is how much he adored him.

"Hina! I-I don't know what to say!! I never thought that I'd ever hear you say that! I'm- I'm so happy you don't even know!" Akira hugged Hinato even tighter then before.

"Aki! I-I c-an't bre-ath!" Hinato said while gasping for air.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry Hinaaa!" Akira says as he lets go and kisses Hinato on the forehead.

Hinato giggles as he goes a intertwines his hand with Akira's hand once more and places his head on Akira's chest.

"Uh hmm!" A voice comes from the couch and he two who seem to be off in their own world suddenly jump apart and look towards the other three in the room.

"Looks like you two have everything sorted out am I right..." A platinum blonde haired boy says while taking a sip from his teacup and placing it down gracefully and flashing them a smile.

"Uh-um I'm sorry your highness...we-" They both say before Kaoru interrupts then again.

"I'm just kidding, I'm happy to see that you to finally sorted everything out." Kaoru says and giving them a soft smile.

"Well since everything is in order again and it's very late, we should all head to bed as it will soon be past curfew." He says placing his teacup down then thanking Yuki for the delicious tea and going back to his desk to finish up his work.

Yuki came up to them and hugged them both saying how happy he was that Hinato was safe and started to tell the story of how Akira almost lost his mind when Hinato disappeared, just as he started to get to the good part Akira had promptly stopped him, much his Hinato's disapproval, but he just couldn't bare for his lover's ears to hear the rest of his tirade.

A little while after Yuki said goodbye and left the room after packing up his things.

"You two better start heading back to dorms before they close and you get locked out and end up having to sleep if the floor." Rei says as he sits of the edge of Kaoru's desk.

"Oh, yes we were just about to leave." Akira says while grabbing his things from the couch.

"Thanks again Rei... for bringing Hinato back and thank you as well Kaoru for helping me out when I was going on my little rampage..." Akira says while squeezing Hinato's hand.

"There's no need for apologies Akira, we both did it because we deeply care for both of you." Kaoru says as he grabs a new stack of papers, not hearing or rather ignoring the scoff and tutting from Rei showing that he was very clearly annoyed at him for grabbing a new stack of paper.

Hinato and Akira took that as an indication to see themselves out before they had to witness the old couples fight over Kaoru clearly overworking himself...


Hinato and Akira where walking up the tall stairs towards the dormitories, hand in hand the silence in room made their footsteps even louder as the moonlight glistening through the large ornate glass windows as then had promptly gotten to the top Akira has suddenly stopped.

"Um...Aki? Are you okay?" Hinato said softly with a little confusion in his voice.

"Uh, Hina... can I ask for something selfish?" Akira said while biting his lip.

"Oh, um of course." Hinato said a little surprised as Akira has never really ask for anything from him.

"Can...I stay in your room tonight?!" Akira blurted out while his face was flushed red and squeezing Hinato's hand.

Merry Christmas everyone!!! I hope you have or had an amazing Christmas! And I wish you all luck into the new year! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and supporting my book! I hope you all are well and have a great new year!

Love, your author! <3

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