Chapter nineteen ✧Forever?✧

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Bright rays of sunlight shone onto Hinato's soft face Akira smiled as he caressed the sleeping boy's face, he was the happiest he had ever been in years, he finally got to show and tell Hinato how much he truly loved and cared for him, he knew that for the rest of his life he wanted to be with this pale snow sliver haired boy, and that he would do anything to be with him forever.

Akira smiled, kissed his cheek and looked at the boy one more time before getting up and changing into a new pair uniform from his magical storage and throwing the old and covered (cough cough) uniform in too it.

Akira heard rustling from the bed and turned to look, he chuckled and he saw his cute little boyfriend rub his eyes and cutely yawn then blinking slowly.

"Aki...? You're up already?" Hinato said softly while yawning in between.

"Mhm, I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful and cute," Akira replied before kissing Hinato's forehead.

"We still have 10 more minutes before we need to head down to breakfast, so no need to rush."

Hinato got up soon after and stretched his arms then quickly realised how much his body hurt from the night before and blushing furiously.

"Hina are you ok? You look a bit red..." Akira said concerned at first but then soon turning red after seeing the look on Hinato's face and realising why...

"Oh uh...I'm sorry Hinaa, let me apply something that will help it..." He then quickly got an ointment from his storage space and went over to Hinato to help him get ready.


Akira and Hinato headed down to the cafeteria hand in hand like they used to Akira still apologising profusely and Hinato then saying it was fine and he expected it and that they both loved it and where happy.

"Hina you can go sit down if you want, I'll get your tray." Akira said smiling then kissing Hinato's forehead for probably the 6th time already and the day had barely started.

Hinato shook his head and shoved his face into Akira's chest to hide from all the stares and whispered in the cafeteria most likely directed towards him.

"I-I don't want to be by myself, I want to be with you..." Hinato said quietly and muffled from his face being shoved into Akira's chest.

"Alright then, you can just stay next me, I'll get everything you can just watch." Akira said laughing softly and ruffling Hinato's hair.

"But sweetheart, you need to let go off me and get your cute little face out of my chest, because I can't move or order anything with you like this..."

Hinato begrudgingly let go of Akira but then soon after latching onto his arm and snuggling his face into it and hiding.

Akira just sighed and thought that it was better then how he was before, he also didn't want his boyfriend to be too uncomfortable with everyone around and looking at him especially with knowing how he can get with all of it.

Akira proceeded to order their breakfast and occasionally asked Hinato what he wanted he knew what he would want but still asked a question hear and there to see if he would want something different, Hinato may of only replied in nods and shakes but it worked out nonetheless.

Somehow in the end, they had surprisingly gotten everything and there wasn't too much trouble.


As they got to their usual spot of under the tree behind the school, Akira sighed deeply and happily opened his can of coffee as he definitely needed it.

"Hina you okay?" Akira asked as he set his can down softly rubbed Hinato's cheek with his hand.

Hinato's seal on his eye was cracking more and more and he was constantly trying to seal them up again but they ending up breaking as soon as he had fixed them, he was really scared that he wouldn't he able to seal them in time, he was shaking as he lifted his hand to his eyes desperately trying to use all the mana he had sealing it again especially now that Akira was here he couldn't possibly loose control with him right next to him it would... kill him.

"Hina? Are you sure your okay your shaking?" Akira said extremely concerned as he went closer to hug his boyfriend.

Hinato gasped and flinched as Akira got closer to hug him prompting Akira to quickly let go.

"Uh, um yeah I'm okay...I just zoned out for a bit and got lost in thought." Hinato said smiling weakly then going up to Akira and resting his head in his chest again and taking cream bun out of its packaging then taking a bite.

"Whatever you say Hina..." He sighed as he stroked Hinato's head and continued to eat his breakfast.

Akira wasn't fully convinced but brushed it off, he didn't want to argue anymore, he just wanted to enjoy his time with Hinato, as he had a weird feeling that something bad was going to happen, he just didn't know what.

Hello everyone! I hope you all have had an amazing new year so far!! I unfortunately didn't have the best start to it but it has gotten better!! I hope you all enjoy this chapter I know it's a little short and not so interesting but I still hope you enjoy it next chapter will definitely have A LOT of action and the chapter after that LOTS of drama as you can tell from the end so look forward to it!! I hope to see you all soon!!! I appreciate you all!

Love, your author! <33

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