Chapter twelve ✧Alone✧

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TW mentions of suicide, mental health problems, panic attacks, angst

Hinto felt his heart aching and his head throbbing from the night before while the loud whispers and laughs were filling his head just getting louder and louder and kept on mocking him saying that no one loves him and that he should kill himself, this kept on for the whole day, to the point Hinato just ran out of the door of his classroom and straight into the closest bathroom.

Hinato stayed curled on top of the closed toilet seat in a bathroom stall, he put his legs up so no one could see him he locked the stall door and started to hyperventilate while wrapping his arms tightly around his head again.

He wanted Akira... but he couldn't, he can't, he needs to stay away from him, he'll just cause him trouble and pain, he needs to just suck it up and deal with it like he always does, he needs to independent now he cant rely on Akira anymore or anyone else.

Just push him out of his life, easy right? Then Akira can finally be happy, he can live a normal life without having to always make sure the person he loves doesn't loose control and try to kill themselves again, or try to hurt or kill someone.

Hinato thought 'If I'm out of his life he will be able to be normal and achieve his dreams of being the captain of the knights and the best Count he could be and someone his family can be proud of, not just some person who always taking care of that 'jewelled eyed boy'.'


Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened and footsteps echoed in the silence, until a small feminine but horse voice spoke.

"Hinato? Are you in here? It's me Yuki."

'Yuki? What's he doing looking for me?" Hinato's thoughts started to spiral but before he could come up with anymore horrible thoughts the pale blue hair boy spoke again.

"Uh Hinato if your in here, I just wanted to say that everyone's worried about you, e-especially Akira! He went crazy and sprinted out of his classroom right after he caught wind that you had just run out of your classroom and suddenly went missing." Yuki chuckled

"So if you are here please come out!" He said a little desperate now.

Hinato was confused as to why? Why are people worried about me? He's probably lying, why would people worry about someone like me!

"U-um well I'm going to go now! But Hinato if you are in here, Akira wanted to say that 'He's sorry for whatever he did, and that he loves you a lot and hopes you will tell him so you can fix it together!' W-well I hope you heard that! Hinato please come out Akira, His highness Kaoru, Rei and everyone is worried!"


Hinato sat on the toilet seat, hyperventilating again and wanting to just cry and rip his ears out so he couldn't hear anymore.

'He's lying... Aki-... Akira hates me... the look on his face when I lied to him, he looked mortified and... no one cares about me, I'm all alone in this stupid world, and it'll be that way until I eventually die."

'Once again, just like my last life, I'm alone, and this is probably how i'll always be, I hope... if I ever get another chance, that in my next life maybe I could be happy again.'

Hello my dear readers! I'd just like to say that i'm extremely sorry that updates are so inconsistent! Unfortunately I've always had extremely bad health and can get sick pretty easily. But i'm currently working on getting better! But I hope you enjoy this new chapter!!
Love your author!!
p.s I also am experiencing writers block... ;D

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