Chapter fifteen ✧The Voices✧

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TW: suicidal thoughts/ideation

"I should go back to the academy soon... it's almost night." Hinato said to himself.

He was sitting on a tall thick tree branch lost in his thoughts of hate and misery, like always.

'But, maybe I'll just stay here a bit more so I don't have to run into anyone...especially Akira.' Hinato was starting to get lost in even more of his thoughts.

"Plop, plop...uck, why-why am I crying?" Hinato said through his tears.

The mere thought of having to leave the one person who gave him a reason to live and the one person who he actually would be himself and feel emotions with, made him hurt, but he knew that he should leave him.

It was for him, for the better, so he couldn't hurt him...

"Crunch, rustle, rustle."

"God, where the hell is he, the spell lead me here!" Hinato heard a voice.

'What the? Was that Rei?!' He thought.

He watched what the tall man who looked like Rei looking everywhere on ground until.

"Man... don't tell me he's in one of these trees!!" Rei shouted and huffed.

He watched the man climbing up all the trees with magic and jumping back down then onto a new one.

'I-I need to get out of here but how?' Hinato rapidly starting trying to think of ways to escape him and avoid noticing him as well.

He knew Rei was one of the best trackers and scouts in the kingdom despite his age, so how the hell was be going to escape him?

As he was in deep thought thinking of ways he suddenly lost sight of the man.

"Found ya, Hiiiina!" Someone had just swiftly landed next to Hinato, promptly making him nearly fall off the branch.

"Woah there, I don't want to bring ya dead to your already distressed and anxious boyfriend!" Rei huffed while catching Hinato before he almost fell to his death.

"Uh- Rei!, um thanks, how... did you find me?" Hinato said very surprised that Rei found him his car out.

"God, I didn't expect to find you so far from the academy!" Rei said while scratching his head.

"Well, I didn't mean for anyone to find me that's why...but I should've known you would, you are one of the best trackers and scouts in the kingdom." Hinato said while clutching his coat.

They sat in silence for a bit, until Hinato finally got the courage to ask something he has been anxiously wondering all day.

"Um, Rei can I ask you something..." He whispered just loud enough for Rei to hear.

" sure." He said surprised.

"How, how is Akira..." Hinato said looking down grasping his coat even more while biting his lip.

"Ah, he is, honestly he's really worried about you, he went crazy and ran around the whole academy looking for you, he even punched a hole in the council wall and fractured his hand..." Rei said laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, is he okay?!" Hinato gasped feeling really guilty as it was mostly his fault that Akira got hurt...

"Yeah no need to worry to much Kaoru healed it up just fine... but Hinato listen, Akira loves you so much, he really worried about you, and his blaming himself for not caring and loving you enough... but both of us know that's not the case."

"I know... I... I love him too, but I-I just can't be with him! I'll end up hurting him like I do with everyone else! I hurt everyone I know, they-they all end up dead, hurt or just hating me too... and I don't want that to happen to Akira too, I-I just love him too much for that to happen!" Tears started to flow from Hinato's eyes again.

"Hinato... hey woah, its okay calm down..." Rei hugged Hinato and softly rubbed his back as he sobbed.

"Look Hinato you haven't hurt anyone the only person you're hurting is yourself, and Akira would be even more hurt if you left him, he loves you so so much, we all do..."

'He's wrong no one cares for you, you hurt everyone, just die, die no one's cares for you~'

"Y-your wrong... no one cares for me, I-I hurt everyone...they all tell me I do!!" Hinato shouted softly.

"Who's telling you this awful stuff!?" Rei shouted and grabbed Hinato's shoulders looking at him in desperation.

"I don't know voices everywhere they tell me- that I'm worthless and that I should just die, and that I hurt everyone... and it's true I do..." Hinato says while biting his lip hard and tightly grasping Rei's coat.

"Hinato you don't! Trust me... your like family to me and everyone in the council, especially Akira... we all treasure you so much even if most of us haven't only know you for very long, your like a little brother to me, Yuki Kaoru..." Rei let go of Hinato then looked at him and smiled while wiping his tears away.

"Really, are you telling to truth..." Hinato said quietly.

"Yeah, it's true, I already told Akira this we all do really care for you guys."

Hinato thought for moment then said,

"Ok, I'll believe you..." He looked down into his lap again.

"Alright, then can we head back to academy now, everyone is waiting for you." Rei said while wiping and cleaning up Hinato's face and drying his shirt from the boys tears.

"Yeah, alright...I'm ready..." Hinato bit his lip and clutched onto Rei's coat again.

Uwahhh another chapter out!!! Ahaha thank you so much for reading!! I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!! Thank you so much for your support again!!

Love, your author! <3

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