Extra ✧Duke Airis✧

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Duke Airis' view of Hinato his son and feelings after his son's death

He doesnt actually hate or dislike Hinato his son, he just doesn't know how to act around him as he knows he will eventually die and doesn't want to grow close to him, he also dislikes how Hinato looks like his deceased wife who he loved very much and blames Hinato for her death.

He was originally very excited for Hinato's birth and to be a father but after his wife died giving birth to Hinato he was no longer happy and became depressed and closed himself and off.

But as Hinato grew, he felt guilty for blaming and hating his child,

but he no longer knew how to be close to him and decided to just stay distant and protect him from afar, but after he decided this Hinato died soon afterwards and he never to got say the words or truly show that he cared for Hinato


"My lord I have an urgent letter for you from the Royal Academy and Crown Prince!" The head butler said knocking on the door then opening it.

"Yes, what is it give it here?" He responded sighing.

As soon as he was passed the letter he opened it then read the contents, his eyes widened and he put a hand to his mouth in shock.

"So...Hinato is d-dead...?" He said trying to compose himself.

"Yes, my lord...my deep condolences." The butler said bowing, he also looked very weary and saddened at the news.

"I-I see thank for delivering this, you can leave now..."

As soon as the door closed he collapsed at his desk and put his face in his hands and sighed.

'As soon as I decided to finally be the father I said I would be to Silvia he dies...' The duke thought.

'Why, why was I such an idiot? Blaming a child who had no clue, no choice in what he would be born like... The fact I know he definitely died in pain with his powers... I wish I could've been a better father to him, instead of acting so cold and neglectful and like I didn't care for him! How...what would Silvia think of me and the horrible father I was to our child I said I would burn the world for and love and care for with all my heart...?

I know she would be disappointed, maybe even hate me...'


A letter that he was meant to give to Hinato before he died

To my son Hinato,

I know I've never written or even talked to you much, but I wanted to write this to let you know,

I'm sorry, sorry for being a bad father to you and neglecting you.

The truth is that I wanted to hate you for taking the love of my life away, but I know now that you didn't mean to and had no choice as you didn't choose to have the powers you have and probably would've asked for anything other than that and wished to not have them.

Even if you choose not to forgive me I hope you will have happy life with Akira Castelli, yes even if it looks like I don't pay attention to you I do and I see that way you look at him and how happy you are... it reminds me of how I used to look and a feel when I was around your mother.

So Hinato, I hope you can live happily and if you choose for me not to be in your life, I'll respect that and wish you the best, but I truly hope you can, as I hope to be able to be the father I never was before...

I hope your well Hinato and that you are happy and enjoying your time at the academy and I hope you know that I am proud of you as my son and as a person.

From your father,
Airis Lyra

YES I AM ALIVE!! Sorry for being so inactive again... but thanks for all the views!! I was surprised to come back and see so many... I am currently of  the alternative ending and you might see it in the future but I'm still unsure about releasing as it is definitely not everyones cup of tea... Butt we'll see!! Thank you once again for reading!! Hope to see you again in the future!!

Love, your author!! <33

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