Chapter three ✧First Sight✧

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Hinato walked reluctantly to the training fields seeing a tall black haired man and a boy around his age, the boy was tall for his age with flowing midnight hair and shining golden red eyes, Hinato even thought he was a little good looking, and his cheeks started to gain a little red tint.

"Hello, you must be my new swordsmanship teacher, my name is Hinato Lyra, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, young master Hinato, my name is Count Alan Castelli and this here is my son Akira, he will also be joining us for training."

"Hello, I'm Hinato Lyra I look forward to training with you." He said holding out his hand to shake while trying his best to look happy, but Hinato did genuinely look forward to having someone train with him, he just didn't know how to express his feelings.

"Hello it's so nice to meet you! My name is Akira Castelli I look forward to training with you too!" The boy said this with a smile while shaking Hinato's hand, the boy's smile was the brightest he had ever seen it even took him by surprise, he somehow wondered if the boy was really the sun.


Hinato was very skilled in swordsmanship as he had already learned some by himself, the count was surprised but not too, having heard rumours of the jewelled eyed people being exceptionally skilled in everything, while Akira was also very skilled (having learnt from his father) but not as skilled as Hinato was.

"Wow! Hina your so amazing!" The two boys were sitting under a tree next to the training field resting for awhile.

"Oh... um thank you, you are also very skilled as well." He said this taken aback by the sudden nickname given to him while almost spitting out his water.

"Oh? Are you not okay with me calling you Hina, if not I'll call you by your actual name if you want!" He said with a smile still plastered across his face.

"Ah no it's okay!" Hinato said with a slight smile on his face.

"Huh! Was that a smile do it again!" Akira says happily.

"Pardon? I'm sorry was it ugly I didn't realise I smiled!" Hinato says panicking touching his face frantically.

"What! No no it's gorgeous I really like it can you smile again!" He says.

Hinato thought he kind of looked like a puppy begging for food.

"Uh okay.." he says softly and hesitantly
Hinato smiles a soft vibrant smile that made him look like he really did ascend from the heavens above those bright purple jewelled eyes glistening in the sun along with his rosey cheeks contrasting against his pale snow white skin and peach lips that looked like they were begging to be kissed by someone.

"Wow you really are like an angel!" Akira says gaping.

"Please don't say that, was it okay I've never smiled in front on someone before! I mean I've practiced in the mirror and it wasn't that bad I'm sure it was terrible though!"Hinato tries to cover his face but Akira stops him.

"No I mean it you really look like an angel it was reallly beautiful Hina!"

Hinato just covers his face in embarrassment trying to hide from Akira.

"You know Hina... your eyes are really gorgeous even better than the gems I see in the store,"

"You really think so? Father hates them he says it's a curse, is it because I killed my mother with them? I really didn't mean to I swear I didn't ask to be born with them!" Hinato says panicked and with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Huh?! Wait don't cry! I'm sorry! But really I mean it they're really beautiful!" Akira says as he pats Hinato's head and wipes his tears away and the sliver haired boy slowly falls asleep on the others shoulder not realising how much stress he put on this body at once.

"He really is gorgeous..." Akira says as he rests his head on the sliver haired boy falling asleep as too.

Hello! Thank you for reading this chapter! I look forward to releasing more in the future! I'm really sorry is the plot is all over the place and it feels a little rushed! I hope to see you again in future chapters! Thank you again for reading!

Love from your author!♥︎

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