Chapter twenty one ✧My One and Only✧

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Warning: lost of angst, major character death (sorry but you should've prepared yourself for this), pain? (Like slowly dying in pain stuff yknow)

Akira was sitting in class like any normal school day, he was looking forward to being able to leave class early and see his cute little boyfriend shove his face into his chest.


Akira suddenly jumped up from his seat and ran to the window to see his snow slivered hair boyfriend on the training field outside crash to the ground and a celestial barrier form around him.

"Hinato?" He shouted,

and then he suddenly swiftly grabbed his blazer, jumped out of the window and ran to field to be with the love of his life.

"Hina! Hinato!! Are you okay?! Oh please be okay!" Akira shouted while pushing through the crowd that had formed around the dome barrier.

"Hina! Please are you okay? You don't have to let me in, I just want to know that you are okay..." Akira shouted while banging on the barrier.

"Aki...please stay back I don't want to hurt you too..." Hinato said while curled into a ball on the ground.

"Hina please, you wont hurt me, and even if you do I wouldn't care, because I love you and I love you even with all your flaws, I don't care as long as you're by my side!" He shouted threw the barrier while tears started to fall down his face realisation of the situation sinking in.


'You're worthless, you don't deserve love! You are made purely to destroy then die!!'

"Shut up! Shut up! Get out of my head!!" Hinato shouted as he blocked his ears from the ringing voices in his head.

"Hinato!! Please don't listen to them! I love you no matter what, so- please...won't you let me in..." Akira yelled through the barrier even more.

"I'm sorry Akira...but I can't let you in...I don't want you to get closer to me then you already are... I do, I love you so much, but I-I can't let you get any closer, I don't want to hurt you more than I already have!" Hinato shouted as small purple tear shaped jewels started to fall from his eyes indicating that his power was taking over his body and that his life would soon be over.

"You're not going to die Hina!! Not while in still here! I-I wont let you! Hina p-please!" Akira shouted in desperation the tears in his face falling more rapidly.

A hand suddenly grasped his shoulder and the person spoke.

"Hey, Akira just calm down for second and we'll try to figure out a solution together okay?" The platinum blonde Kaoru spoke as the navy blue haired boy Rei analysed the barrier,

"Holy shit! It's bloody celestial magic he used on this, no wonder it hasn't broken yet.." Rei shouted in surprise.

"Oh I see, that's a huge problem no one has ever been able to best celestial magic..." Kaoru said trying to think of a solution.

"We might be able to break it if we all put our magic together, but it may be extremely dangerous and will be super damaging for others and the surroundings and even Hinato if we don't do it correctly..." Kaoru said

"But if we don't get him out of there, he will die as the mana he is excreting will soon take over him..." Kaoru continued.

Akira but his lip as he banged on the barrier his all his might, but it didn't even budge.

"Hina...please p-please let me in, I just want to hold you one last time, if you're going to die...can't I at least say goodbye to you properly..." Akira sobbed through the barrier as he saw Hinato fall to the ground in agony as the power surging through his body slowly took over.

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