Exrtra ✧To my Hinato✧

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A letter Akira wrote to Hinato a few years after he died, hopefully showing he's starting to finally accept his death

To my Hinato,

How are you? It's been a few years since you died, though I never will fully forgive myself for letting you go the way you did, but I think I've started to accept it.

I haven't found someone new to truly love yet and I probably never will, I'm sorry about not being able to full-fill one of your request for me, but I could never bring myself to love someone new knowing I'll always have you in my heart.

I never told you, but I always knew somewhere deep inside me that you were always eventually going to leave me, I just never wanted to believe it so I turned a blind eye, I wish I didn't but your soft angelic smile and big purple jewelled eyes made me, I miss you Hinato, and I'm so sorry I just let you die especially in that much pain, I knew that you were struggling but I didn't even do anything and let you just die.

I always hated and blamed myself for your death even with everyone telling me it was inevitable, and I knew it was, I just needed something or someone to blame and I chose myself.

I really do miss you so much Hina, I miss your sweet smile and the way you used to shove your face into my chest.

I miss your soft kisses you used to give me along with your cute giggles and laughs in between.

I miss that, and I know I won't ever get to feel that again, I often have dreams of us living in a small house in a forest and I come home to you and our child everyday, we're happy and smiling all the time although we don't have much and don't live lavishly like we used to but, we love it that way and wouldn't change it for the world, I wish that could've been us... I often think of ways I could've prevented what happened, but I know can't change what happened that day, but if there is different universe where I did, I'd envy them but I'd be happy knowing there was somewhere I saved you, saved us.

I'm getting married next week, to a girl that my father introduced me, she's from another noble family, I don't love her or anything the marriage is purely for political purposes, but she's sweet and understands I probably never will be able to love her, I'll do my best to be nice to her and cater to her needs, so don't worry Hinato I'm doing like you asked, and maybe she'll eventually grow on me.

Hina, I hope you are happy and in a better place then when you were alive, I love you and always will, I hope you always know that.

In our next lives I'll be sure to find you again and make you fall in love with me all over again, no matter what happens even if the universe is making us separate again! So wait for me! And this time we'll be happy forever!

Love from,

2 updates in a day??? GASP! Hehe I hope you enjoy this extra! I really wanted to highlight Akira's grief and eventual acceptance of Hinato's tragic death, I wanted to show how he isn't fully over it and will always love Hinato but shows he is trying to move on and wants to be happy but does hope one day that they will be happy together. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this extra!!

Love, your author!! <3

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