Extra ✧To my Akira✧

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The letter Hinato wrote to Akira before he died, that he gave to Rei to give to Akira

To my Akira,

Hey Aki, I hope you are okay, if you're reading this than, I most likely have died, and I'm sorry I left you, I wish I didn't have to, please don't cry for my death, know that I'm in a better place and that I'm happy, I love you Aki and appreciate you so much for making my life worth living.

I always knew that I would eventually die when I met you, but still I selfishly got closer to you knowing that I eventually would,

but Aki, meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't regret it one bit, my only regret is that I left you all alone and in pain, to tell you the truth,

ever since I was born I knew that I would eventually die soon, my father had placed a seal on my eyes preventing my power stored in my body from taking over, but as I grew, my powers grew stronger and the more I went I against my nature by using emotions and storing my power, not using it to its full potential the angrier my power got, so eventually they broke through my seal and took over like they do with everyone else who has had jewelled eyes.

I'm sorry I never told you, I could never bring myself to tell you, but please don't blame yourself it was my choice and I never once regretted my choice, I wanted to spend as much time with you possible until the end, I just didn't think it would be this early.

When I first realised I wouldn't be able to control my powers... I wanted to push you away and make you hate me because I didn't want to hurt you when I eventually died, but like the person you are you didn't let me, and I realised it that day in the council room, that you truly loved me, and I'm so happy I got to love you too.

I hope you can move on from me and find someone new to love just as much as you loved me, I'm sure there are many people who would love to have someone like you, but if you don't and you still get married like I'm sure you probably would, please treat them well for me, I know you probably will anyway because you would never treat anyone badly, but just to be sure, treat them well okay, and I hope they do the same, but with all that's in my heart, I truly hope you will be able to find someone to love, because you deserve it, and please don't let me or my death cloud you from being able to, I hope you will be able to live happily and be able to smile from my death knowing I lived a good life thanks to you and knowing how much I loved you.

I truly wish we never had to part like this, but I'm glad I met you Akira and I'm even more glad I chose to love you,

If there ever is a next life, I hope I'll be able to fall in love with you all over again, and I hope this time we truly will be able to be happy together...

Love from,

Hinato ♡

Hope you liked this extra!! Hinato truly does want Akira to move on from him he loves Akira so much and it does hurt him knowing Akira might move on, but he doesn't want Akira to be sad and mourn him all his life, so that is why he explicitly states many times for Akira to move on from his deaths and live happily!! Thank you again for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!!!

Love, your author!!<3

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