All I needed was a calendar...

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Nico flopped onto the coffin-like bed of the newly constructed Hades Cabin. 

He wasn't sure who had decided that children of Hades were vampires, just because they generally despise sunlight. News-flash: even children of Hades don't like sleeping in coffins every night!

He had helped to construct the exterior of his cabin, but hadn't found the time to oversee the interior decorating.

That was obviously a huge mistake.

He felt his eyelids droop, shadow-travelling always seemed to make him feel exhausted. But he couldn't rest for long, he had more work to do!

The Titan war had finished a week ago, and Nico... wasn't actually sure how to feel about that. Yeah, he survived, and his dad didn't seem to hate him anymore(which was a huge plus),  but he really didn't know how to deal with all these people who suddenly seemed to like him. Even at Hogwarts, where there were hundreds of students, people weren't exactly clamoring to be his friends. Not to mention how hard it was to travel between the Greek and Roman camps every week-

Oh gods.


He had forgotten to pick up his supplies! And he hadn't responded to any of his friends' letters! It wasn't really his fault, since it's a bit hard to concentrate on school when you're saving the world from your grandfather and trying to act as an ambassador between two groups of demigods who don't know about the other's existence!

Woah, was his life complicated or what?

He looked around for a calendar, before realizing that 

a) He didn't have a calendar and

b) There was a huge stack of letters on his windowsill

He could guess who the letters were from, but unfortunately, they'd have to wait. Artemis and Draco would probably chew him out, but.... 

Nope. Calendar first.

He stumbled out of his cabin, and headed towards the Poseidon Cabin.

Nico didn't even bother knocking.

"Percy!" he yelled, throwing open the door.

No one replied, which was odd, since he had never failed to surprise Percy(except that one time... nope, not going to talk about that.)

Nico looked around the empty cabin, before shrugging and sitting down on Percy's blue, non-coffin bed.

"I'll just make myself comfortable while I wait." he murmured, propping up a pillow to support his back as he leaned against the wall.

Just a few minutes. 

****Line Break****

Nico was woken up by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

It wasn't until he let out a huge yawn that he realized that he had fallen asleep, probably for longer than he had intended.

He kicked the blanket off his legs and started stretching, trying to wake himself up.

He froze.


He didn't recall tucking himself in with one of Percy's blankets? Or lying down, for that matter. He had been leaning against the wall, hadn't he?

Wait, why had he woken up again?

He reached for his sword desperately, despite knowing that it was nowhere nearby.

An Unlikely Duo 2: The Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now