Failed Interrogations

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Artemis Fowl could proudly say that he was an expert at interrogating people.

It was something he had done several times before, and each time he had been successful in obtaining the information he required.

He even had an established procedure. He would start by casually mentioning all of the weapons Butler had on his person, and then he preferred to throw in a few veiled threats to keep the victim on their toes. A demonstration of Butler's strength never hurt either.

However, this time,  he didn't have Butler's sheer strength to rely on as a factor of intimidation.

 Also, his victim wasn't usually a random girl who appeared on his bed with his best friend.

It wasn't that Artemis wasn't confident that his efforts would bear fruit. He could be rather intimidating, if he did say so himself. 

He was just wondering whether it would be 'immoral' if he used a few of his less... favorable interrogation methods on the curly-haired girl, who clearly had some some sort of connection to Nico.

He decided to proceed with the legal method for the time being.

"So," Artemis began conversationally, beginning to pace in front of the girl who was seated on the bed, "Who are you, exactly?"

"I'm Hazel.", she explained, "Nico's sister."

Artemis paused his pacing momentarily, "Nico has another sister? As far as I know, he only has one sister. Who is dead."

Hazel laughed nervously, "Dead?" she squeaked, "Who said anything about dead? No dead people here! All souls locked safely in the Underworld!" 

Artemis merely raised an eyebrow.

Hazel cleared her throat awkwardly, "I mean- I'm not her."

"Obviously." Artemis scoffed, "The question is, who are you? "

"I'm Nico's half-sister." she corrected, "We only found out about each other's existence recently."

Artemis nodded slowly, sensing it was true.

"Alright then. Moving on to more pressing issues-" Artemis began, only to be rudely interrupted by Draco.


"Uh..." Hazel paused, as though wondering how to answer, "Somewhere in America?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "That's not what I- WAIT, AMERICA?"

"Wait, was I not supposed to say that?" the girl squeaked, before clamping a hand over her mouth.

"You travelled all the way from America?" Theodore asked, his eyes wide.

"How is that possible?" Blaise asked, his eyebrows furrowed, "You can't apparate to Hogwarts, can you? I mean, I doubt you knocked at the door."

Artemis' eyes widened as his senses returned to him, making it blatantly obvious that Nico had shadow-travelled them all the way to Hogwarts. From America, apparently. 

Of all the stupid things!
...He did know that there were easier ways to travel, didn't he?

"They must have used Floo powder." he said hastily, remembering that Theodore and Blaise hadn't been told about Nico's abilities yet.

"Now," he began before someone could interject, "What are you doing here?"

Hazel shuffled uncomfortably, "I need a place to stay," she admitted, "Just for a while! Nico thought it would be a good place."

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