Heartfelt conversations for you, and you, ooh, and you too!

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I just love these images! The Underworld Siblings NEED more love!

"So," Hazel said, blinking slowly, "You're saying that I'm half god , and my creepy- child-abandoning-dissolve-into-shadows dad is Pluto, the Roman god of the Underworld? And that there are Greek gods out there too?" she paused to take a deep breath, before rushing in, not letting Nico get a word in, "And if that's not crazy enough, neither group knows about the other's existence, and if they meet, we could be purged into another Civil War?"

"Yep," Nico answered, not seeing a better way to explain it.

"Where do you fit in to all of this then?" she asked abruptly, pacing as much as a spirit could.

"I'm the son of Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld. I'm also the only mortal on the planet who knows that both groups exist. So far, at least. I'm from the 1930's, which I'm guessing is pretty close to when you died."

Hazel merely blinked at him.

"Magic Time Capsule/ Hotel" Nico explained.

"I....see. Anything else I should know?"

"Well, I'm also pretty sure my-our dad planned us meeting on purpose, and that he wants me to bring you back to life. There's no way he didn't know about Bianca. He must have been talking about you." he said, understanding dawning on him the minute he spoke those words.

"Gods. " she said eventually, as though trying out the word, ".....Is it weird that I believe you?"

Nico hesitated slightly, "Actually, it is. You haven't even accused me of being senile yet."

Hazel let out a shaky laugh, slumping to the floor.

"Gods." , she repeated, "It all makes so much more sense now." she breathed.

Nico resisted the urge to ask her what exactly made sense, because he definitely didn't have a clue. Instead, he sat down next to her and awkwardly wrapped an arm around her.

How the roles had been reversed.

Nico just sat with her in silence for a few minutes, both of them relishing each other's company as much as they could, given the circumstances. Nico had no idea how to comfort his new sister, seeing he was usually the one being comforted. Despite that, he was surprised at how easy it was for him to fit back into the role of being a brother, and tried his best to give Hazel's hazy body a comforting squeeze.

Something occurred to him, "Hazel, why are you here?"

She lifted her head and stared at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"It's just, I've never seen a demigod in Asphodel. Most of them end up either in Elysium or in the Fields of Punishment."

Hazel winced, "I'm no hero." she mumbled.

Nico refused to believe that his new sister, who was sweet and compassionate and caring, wasn't a hero. It was simply impossible.

"Why not?" he asked instead.

"I'm a horrible, horrible person." she stressed, her voice becoming choked, "I don't deserve Elysium."

"Nonsense," Nico stated confidently, unknowingly channeling his inner-Artemis, "If you're such a horrible person, then why did you come and comfort me when you had no need to?"

"That's different."

"Uh huh."

"You don't get it!" Hazel insisted, and if ghosts could cry, Nico would've assumed that her eyes would be tearing up, "I've done terrible things...."

Nico knew that what he was about to say was in no way a good idea, but he pressed on regardless, "What things?"

"Terrible ones." she sobbed.

"Honestly Hazel," he scoffed, "You're one of the sweetest people I know, despite the fact that I literally met you a few minutes ago. It is physically impossible for you to-"


Immediately, her eyes widened and she clasped her hands over her mouth in horror.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, looking terrified, "I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean to!"

Nico's first instinct was to back away, but a less selfish part of him made him move closer instead.

He gently grasped one of the terrified girl's hands and squeezed it gently.

"Hey," he said softly, mentally fumbling for something comforting to say, "I'm sure you had a good reason."

It was official: Nico sucked at comforting.

At least it had the desired effect. Hazel looked up at him, bewildered, ethereal tears momentarily forgotten.

"What 'good reason' could there be for resurrecting a giant?" she demanded.

Nico shrugged, patting the floor next to him, "I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"

Hazel took a deep breath, sitting down once more.

"I won't blame you if you hate me, after this." she mumbled, avoiding his eyes.

Nico squeezed her hand as tightly as he could without passing through it.

"You're my sister," he insisted, "I could never hate you."

Hazel gave him a rueful smile, as though she didn't quite believe him.

"Well, it all began because my mother wanted to be a queen..."

Just a really short, fluffy chapter featuring Nico-Hazel sibling bonding before he brings her back.

This chapter is based on the fact that despite meeting giants, a primordial and having literal SUPERPOWERS, no one ever tells Hazel about the gods. She's aware that magic exists, but she knows barely anything about Gaia, Alcyoneous(spelling?) and everyone else.

And yes, he WILL tell her that he's a wizard, in...maybe one or two chapters?

I DO know that it was nothing like this in canon, but I couldn't resist the urge to give them a closer relationship.

Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think, or if you have any feedback! 


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