Artemis Fowl: Boy Genius for a reason

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"I'm sorry"

Both boys stared at each other in surprise for a moment.

Artemis cracked a smile, "And here I thought you didn't have it in you to be the bigger person."

Draco returned the smile with a grin of his own, "Well, neither did I, but here we are."

His grin faded, "I am sorry though. I didn't mean to. I just..."

"Lost your temper?" Artemis finished, "I get it. For what it's worth, I'm sorry too."

Draco smirked, "Glad we got that sorted, mate. I thought you were going to avada kedavra me for a moment there!"

"I wouldn't do that!" Artemis protested, "Why does everyone think that?"

"You looked bloody terrifying." Draco shivered, "All vampire-like and freaky."

"Hmm. It's a gift."

***************Line break***************

Hazel flopped onto her brother's bed with a groan.

This was getting ridiculous! That was her brother in the hospital wing! She should be out there, doing something! Not sitting around in her brother's dormitory while other people did all the work.

She hadn't even seen him since they'd arrived.

She had to do something before she drove herself insane-

"Deary me, who are you?" A voice shrieked.

Hazel bolted upright, catching sight of an old lady in a nurse's uniform.

A nurse's uniform, eh?

Hazel sagged back onto the bed and blinked slowly.

"What?" she said, putting on her best 'sick voice'.

"Are you alright child?" the nurse said, hurrying towards her, "What are you doing here? This is a boys dormitory."

Hazel blinked again, "Really?", she said, really laying it on thick now, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

The lady checked her temperature frantically and frowned, "You don't seem to have a fever-"

Hazel immediately sagged more, practically lying down now, her eyes drooping shut, "Dizzy. I feel... so dizzy."

"My goodness!" the nurse shrieked, helping her up, "Right, it's off to the hospital wing with you."

Hazel suppressed a smirk.

Hospital wing, here I come.

*****************Line break*****************

"You've been asleep for a long time, you know." Artemis informed his comatose friend, "It's honestly getting ridiculous."

Nico snored in response.

"Do you have to be so cryptic all the time?" he griped, " Heavens knows I enjoy being cryptic as much as the next person, but at least I don't go and put myself in a coma after disappearing for days." he glared pointedly.

Nico didn't even bother dignifying that one with a snore.

Artemis sighed, "You're an idiot, you know that? You're making everyone worry."

He looked around cautiously, checking for witnesses, before admitting quietly, "You're making me worry."

The doors banged open and Artemis nearly fell out of his seat with fright.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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