Artemis, take a chill pill

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"Are you kidding me?" Draco asked in disbelief, "The teachers were actually going to expel Harry Potter?"

Artemis nodded, sitting down on his bed. "I know, it's quite unbelievable, isn't it?"

Draco broke out into a grin, "This is officially the best day of my life." he declared.

Nico raised an eyebrow at him, "You know, I distinctly remember you begging Artemis to go and help Potter and Weasley. What did you say again? Oh, right, 'As satisfying as it is to see Potter in trouble, but I can't loose my nemesis!' "Nico said in a ridiculously high pitched voice.

Draco threw a pillow at him, "Shut up." he ordered.

"Why should I?" Nico asked, in a rare moment of childishness.

Artemis rolled his eyes at them, "Both of you sound like 7 year old's, for one thing."

"We do not!" Draco protested.

"We kind of do." Nico admitted.

"I thought you were on my side!"

Artemis rolled his eyes once again, choosing not to comment, before pulling out one of the books he had brought from home. Just because he was at school, didn't mean that he could afford to lose valuable time learning about the fairies.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Draco snatching his book away from him.

"Draco!" he snapped, "Give that back!"

Draco, being much taller than Artemis(which wasn't hard, since Artemis was embarrassingly short for his age) dangled the book above his head.

"You can't read already! You just got here! Let loose and relax a bit. Your book's not going anywhere." Draco reasoned.

Artemis whipped out his wand, muttering a quick summoning spell and tucking the summoned book under his arm, before making his way back to his bed.

He sent Draco one last glare before burying his nose back in his book.

"Geez, what's up with him?" Draco muttered.

Artemis could envision Nico answering with a small shrug.

An awkward silence filled the room.

A few moments later, Draco spoke up, "So does no one want to talk about the thing?"

Artemis looked up, curious to see where the conversation would go.

Nico shuffled uncomfortably, "Oh, right. The thing."

Draco cleared his throat expectantly, "So..." he prompted.

"So...." Nico hesitated, "Are you, uh, okay with the whole 'dark powers' thing?"

Draco shrugged , "I mean, I guess that it's not the weirdest thing I've heard of. Some Slytherins are rumored to be Parselmouths. A lot of Pure-Blood families have pretty weird genes. I think I have a distant relative who's a Metamorphagus. So shadowy powers aren't exactly out of the ordinary."

Nico gaped at him for a minute before closing his mouth abruptly, "You're cool with the fact that I can control shadows and death? You're not creeped out?"

Draco snorted, "I'd have to be a huge hypocrite to be creeped out. We're wizards, dude. I've seen creepier."

Nico's entire body sagged in relief.

"Although," Draco continued, "I am kind of annoyed that you didn't tell me, but you told Artemis of all people. Uh, no offense Artemis."

Artemis raised an eyebrow at him, "None taken?" he said, although it came out as more of a question.

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