Today is just not Nico's day(Part 2)

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"Praetors, as I'm sure you know, I am Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and I have a proposition for you."

Nico had a vague idea of what his dad was going on about, even if he had no idea how he was going to bring it up. 

This was not what he had expected.

To be honest, he really should've expected something like this from the god of the Underworld. Hades loved shoving his power in people's faces, and here, where the Romans were trembling at the mere sight of him, he was probably in Elysium.

"Of course." Reyna said, her voice surprisingly even for someone being addressed by the god of the dead, "Would you like to.... uh, sit down and discuss this.... proposition?"

Hades/Pluto nodded, "Sounds delightful." he said, shrinking to the size of a slightly taller than average human. In this form, Hades actually looked a lot like an older version of Nico. Nico was left wondering whether that was intentional since gods could take any form they wanted, or if he really had taken after his father as much as people said. 

He brushed the idea aside, deciding that it was probably best to concentrate on the situation at hand. There would be plenty of time for musing later.

Reyna was leading his father to the Principia, with Jason right next to her. Nico trailed along awkwardly, fidgeting under the stares of the hundreds of Romans gathered there. Jason slowed his pace slightly, so that he was walking right next to Nico.

"Dude!" Jason hissed, "You didn't mention that your dad would be showing up today!"

"Oops." Nico whispered, rolling his eyes, "Slipped my mind."

Jason stared at him in disbelief, "Did you know that he was coming?"


Jason scrutinized him for a moment before speeding up with a quiet groan, but not before grumbling, "We are going to sit down and have a much needed conversation after this."

*****Line Break*****

Nico, Reyna, Jason and Hades(he had decided to stick to Hades for now) were seated at a long table in the Principia.

An awkward silence filled the air.

"Jellybeans, anyone?" Jason asked nervously, breaking the silence.

Hades didn't respond, staring at the bowl of jellybeans as though it had personally offended him. 

"Jellybeans." Hades repeated slowly, "What flavor do these jellybeans come in?"

Jason floundered for a moment before composing himself, "Well, I don't really know if they have different flavors ,but they do have a lot of nice colors, I guess."

"Do they have black? Or maybe a nice grey?"

Jason quickly scanned the jar of jellybeans, "Um... no. I'm pretty sure black jellybeans exist of course," he added hastily, We just... don't have any. We do have a dark blue though, it looks a lot like black."

Hades scowled, "Of course they have blue." he grumbled.

Nico fidgeted awkwardly, deciding to interrupt before his father could start complaining about his 'insufferable brothers' again, "Uh, dad," he said pointedly, "You said that you had a proposition, remember?"

Hades sighed, "I did, didn't I?" he said simply, before continuing to glare coldly at Jason.

"Lord Pluto," Reyna attempted, "Would you mind telling us what your proposition is?"

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