exploring the town

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After registering for the tournament, Marshall and the Louds are back in town. They're outside the fish shop and the chip shop. Both shops' owners are arguing with each other.

Fish Shoppe Owner: The fish goes on the chips!
Chip Shoppe Owner: No, the chips go on the fish!
Fish Shoppe Owner: Nobody likes cold fish!
Chip Shoppe Owner: "You" the cold fish.

Fish Shoppe Owner: Well, you married me, didn't ya?

Marshall groans as he reaches for his wallet. Luna puts her hand on his friends shoulder.

 Luna puts her hand on his friends shoulder

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Luna: It's ok bruh. I understand if you think this is crazy town. I thought that the first time I was here.

Marshall: Thanks Luna. One bag of fries please. (thinking) Who's running this show?

Chip Shoppe Owner: Sure. You want regular or chicken salt on those?  

Marshall: Definitely chicken. 

Chip Shoppe Owner: That will $9.95 thank you.

Marshall pulls out his Stark Industries credit card.

Marshall: Just put it on the Stark industries account thanks. 

Lola: You can't duel on a empty stomach.

Marshall: Yeah I know. (The  Chip Shoppe Owner points to her register as it beeps "DECLINED")What?! How can my Stark Industries credit card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance! 

Lori: I'll handle this.

Marshall: (sighs) Thanks Lori. (counting the Loud kids) Ok, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ok we're missing someone! Who are we missing?

Lucy: You forgot me.

Marshall: (screams) Lucy! What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack!? 

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Marshall: (screams) Lucy! What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack!? 

Lucy: Sorry Marsh. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just looking for you.

Marshall: Huh? But I saw you earlier! You gave me a card.

Lucy: (thinking) Wait! Did he see Lucille?

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