The strike of the @Ignisters!

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That night at the castle, Lori's furious shouts can be heard throughout the hallway. Marshall can hear Lori snapping at the twins from outside the throne room. 

Lori: I thought I told you NO dueling!

Lana: Well you didn't have to get all technical about it...

Lola: Lana!

Lori: How do you expect me to trust you if you keep breaking the rules?!

Lana: It was no big deal.

Lori: To you, and that's all you care about! If you break another rule I will LITERALLY turn you two into human pretzels!

Lola: I had nothing to do with this. 

Lana/Lori: Stay out of this!

Lola silently lowers in her chair.

Lana: (outraged) Mum and Dad would hear me out!

Lori: Mum and Dad aren't here!

Lola: She got you there.

Lori gives Lola a withering look. Lola silently lowers in her chair.

Lola: (nervously) So you prefer if we didn't duel at all?

Lori: Without a doubt. Go to your rooms! I don't want to hear a peep from you two until morning.

Lori storms out still fuming. As she walks past Marshall, she angrily groans. The twins turn to face their friend.

Lola: You weren't much help.

Marshall: Do you want out of the hole? First you gotta put down the shovel.

Lana: (scoffs) Well, that went poorly.

Marshall: I'll try to reason with her. You two stay here.

Lori: Don't bother Marshall. Just make sure they get there. I have their mess to clean up. 

Lana throws her deck at Lori. But before it hits her Marshall catches it. 

Marshall: Real mature Lana! 

Lana: I've HAD it! Come on Hops!

Lana runs off in a huff to her room, Hops right behind her. A scream of anger is heard from her room. 

Lola: And she said I have a temper.

Lori sighs and sits down next to Lola.

Lori: Sorry Lola. But Lana can be SO annoying!

Lola: And she says I was a monster when I was mad! Well she was something else. So we're cool right?

Lori: We're okay Lola. It's Lana I'm concerned about.

Marshall: She's just trying out a new deck. You were the same when you got your deck.

Lori: True. But I learned how to use it. 

Marshall: Yeah, but before you did, you had to practice with it. 

Outside the room, Lana listens in envy. Hops is by her side.

Lana: (thinking angrily) That's right! That's all I am. A SIDEKICK! Not a main hero. I'll never be as good as Marshall or Lincoln! I can't even win a single match.

Hops croaks as if reading his friends thoughts. Lana smiles at her froggy pal.

Lana: Thanks Hops. I know you got my back pal.

Lana strokes Hops on the head. Just then the Supreme King appears behind Lana.

Lana: What the-?

Supreme King: If you want a REAL challenge, then try to defeat me! 

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