The secrets of the signers

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Meanwhile back in the main hall Lucy has already merged Lori, Leni, Luan and Lana with their ancestors spirits. Lynn is currently merging with hers and Lincoln is next in line. Currently the man with the plan is showing his ancestor his dueling deck.

Duke: These are all really interesting cards.

Lincoln: Yeah. These were a gift from my parents. I've treated this deck with very good care.

Duke: Ah, I see.

At this moment Luna and Melody come into the main hall. Luna's listening to her Starktech portable radio with  the sound turned up to 7. 

Radio: You're listening to "The Music Hour"! Brought to you by Stark Industries. Adventure Bay City's trusted name in technology for over fifty years.

Melody: That tune is quite pleasant. 

Luna: I told ya! 

Lori: Luna can you PLEASE turn that down?!

Luna: Woah Lori! Is that really you sis?

Lori: Yep, but can you please keep it down a bit? Merging with Lorelei has literally given me a headache!

Luna: Yeesh! Sorry dudette. Didn't know.

Marshall, Lola and Lily finally enter the castle. 

Lincoln: There you guys are! We've been worried sick!

Lisa: By Darwin's beard! What happened to you?!

Marshall: I don't want to talk about it.

Lola: Just give him a minute. He's a bit confused right now. Wow Lori! You look amazing.

Lori: Not now Lols. I have a headache.

Lola: Ouch! Are you ok?

Lori: Yep. And thanks for the compliment. 

Lily happily waddles around the main hall holding Lori's phone.

Lori: Oh there you are Lily! And you found my phone. Thanks!

Lola: Hey Lori, have you seen Lana?

Lucy:  (not turning around) She's in the courtyard. By the way it's safe to disengage now Lola. The spirits of our ancestors can leave our bodies at will, but don't worry. You won't lose your outfit.  

Lola: Really? Thanks Luce.

Meanwhile Marshall props himself up next to the painting of the Loud ancestors. Suddenly a bucket of water falls from the stairway, Luckily Marshall dodges before he's drenched.

Marshall: (groans) NOT today Luan!

Luan: (peering out from the stairway) Oh, we'll see about that. Pailure is not an option! [laughs] Get it?

Lola: Hey! Take it easy on him Luan. He was attacked.

Luan: Wait wha-? What happened?

Marshall: I dunno. Some guy calling himself the Supreme King tried to take the Millenium Puzzle.

Luan's ancestor Laurel emerges from her body.

Luan's ancestor Laurel emerges from her body

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