Lincoln VS Marshall: The royal duel

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(A/N Hope you're ready for some dueling action! The music up top will be played when the duel starts. Enjoy the chapter!)

Lincoln and Marshall are discussing duel strategies and LIncoln's memories of Loch Loud. Lola appears with her ancestor next to her.

Marshall: Oh there you are Lola!

Lola: Sorry to worry you, Marshall!

Marshall: Well I was looking for you and- huh? (rub his eyes) Am I seeing double? Or did you dress Lana up against her will again?

Lola: Marshall, I swear, man, I don't run like that.

Marshall: Uh-huh yeah sure.

Lola: I'm serious! That's not Lana!

Lincoln: That's her ancestor.

Lola: (sighs) Thanks Lincoln.

Marshall: Wait what? Your ancestor?

Lola: Yep. DeLola this is Marshall, the guy I was telling you about.

Lola's ancestor smiles as she extends her hand for a shake.

DeLola: Charmed, I'm sure.

Marshall: (awkwardly) Uh thanks. So Linc, did you have time to test out your new cards?

Lincoln: Not really Marsh!

DeLola: (looking at Marshall's deck)What's with all this junk?

Marshall: Hey give that back! It's not junk.

DeLola: It's not?

Marshall: No, it's my deck. For dueling. 

DeLola: Dueling?

Lola: Oh right! She doesn't know what dueling is. Hey Marsh! Mind showing her what it's all about?

Marshall: Sounds alright to me!

Lincoln: Wait, why are you looking at me like that?

Lola: Call me crazy but I think he wants to duel you, Linky.

Marshall: Bingo!

Lincoln: (sighs) Fine. I guess my new deck could use a test run. 

Marshall smiles and touches the Millenium puzzle on his neck. The puzzle glows red, blue, and yellow.

Lola: Hold on to your tiara! Wait 'til you see this! 

Lincoln: I guess you're not holding back right?

Marshall: Nope.

Lincoln: Good! If we held back from the start, it would be boring. 

Marshall: My thoughts exactly.

Lincoln and Marshall activate their duel disks and draw 5 cards from their decks. 

Lincoln: (smiles) May the best duelist win.

Marshall: (smiles back) I plan to. It's time to DUEL!

Duel start: Lincoln Loud (LP: 4000) VS Marshall Onodera (LP: 4000) 

(A/N you can play the top video now.)

Lincoln: Descendants first! I draw! (draws a card and looks at it) Nice. First I'm gonna summon my Neo-spacian Aqua Dolphin in attack mode!

 First I'm gonna summon my Neo-spacian Aqua Dolphin in attack mode!

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