Shark Attack!

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Out in town Marshall and the twins see a lot of people preparing for the Kingdom Carnival. Even Lucy is dueling. Marshall takes in a breath of air. Meanwhile Lana and Lola are prepping their decks and duel disks. Lana looks around in excitement. 

Lana: Alright. Now, who to duel today?

Lola: You mean who to lose to today?

Lana: Not this time Lols. I think I got the perfect strategy this time. 

Lola: Oh boy. Let's hear it.

Marshall chuckles in amusement at the Twins. 

Marshall: (thinking) Gosh, I remember discussing methods with Zuma. That was a long time ago.

Lucy:  Uh Marsh? Are you ok? You've got that look on your face again. 

Marshall: GAH! Oh it's just you Lucy. For a minute I thought Lori followed me from the castle.

Lucy: Angus asked Luan and I to help with the preparations for the tournament, so here we are.

Marshall: So that's why you two weren't at breakfast! It's Breakfast Burrito Saturday you know.

Lucy smiles at this remark.

Lucy: I never forget Breakfast Burrito Saturdays. By the way... (gestures to the burrito in Marshall's hand) That's getting cold.

Marshall: Oops! (chuckles) Forgot I had one of these. Gotta tell ya, these are nothing compared to your Dad's recipe. (takes a bite) Besides these are good, but you know how i like my Breakfast Burritos.

Lucy: Yeah I know. Extra Ketchup, Extra Mustard and hold the Mayo.

Marshall: (takes another bite) Yep. Well at least there are my usual amounts of bacon and egg  in it. Want a bite?

Lucy: No thanks. I'll get one later. By the way have you seen Fangs anywhere?

Marshall's too busy eating his Breakfast Burrito to answer. Lucy shakes her head and smiles at her friend. 

Lucy: (thinking) He may have a point. I might've forgot to have Breakfast. But I know with Marshall around, there's always an adventure. Something's gonna happen soon. By the way where's- 

Just then Luan's voice can be heard through the crowd. Marshall, Lucy, and the Twins run to where it came from and see Luan dueling.  Luan's got her ace monster out, the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

  Luan's got her ace monster out, the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon

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Luan: Ow! That's not cool.

Lucy: I don't think she's entertaining the crowd. I think someone's using Card Wars to hurt her!

Lana: Who's it this time? 

Marshall looks at Luan's opponent and groans. 

Marshall: Oh no, it's Shark!

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