chapter 4

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"Hey love" I greeted my son when I enter the house, his head turn to my side as a wide smile spread across his lips.

"Mom!" He happily shouts as I embrace him into a warm hug, felt like all the tiredness on my system vanished in flash.

"How's my baby's day?" I hummed as we both sat on the couch, his toys are spread around the mat while a bread and a milk was on the table beside it.

"Great!" He smiled "The teacher let us play on our free time, I'm so happy Mom!" he said. I gave him a teasing look.

"I heard Rei was there too" I teased him about his crush.

"Mom!" He whined as I saw him blush, I sheepily smiled.

"Oh c'mon, why are you blushing?" I grinned when he hide his face behind a throw pillow, playing his feet below.

"Rei said she has a crush on me too" he pouted, peeking over the pillow to see my reaction, I raised an eyebrow, he flashed a proud smile after facing me again "And I ask her to be my girlfriend, she said yes!" He happily blurted out, while I was left stunned, I felt like my jaw drop.

"I said that I will cherish her and promised that I will wait until we grew up, and guess what? She blushed after I kissed her cheeks mom" he flatteredly tells. Oh God this kid is a flirt.

"How old are you again?" I ask him in awe.

"Five" he even show his hand with five fingers spread.

"Adiel Theodore Kim!" I widen my eyes at him, while he cracked up laughing after.

"I'm just kidding Mom!" He defended himself, laughing. "Of course I did not kiss her" he said "You teach me to respect women, even I'm just a kid who's badly inlove, I know the right time will come Mom. Don't worry I know it because you raised me too well" he said, hugging me from the side.

"Just remember what I always says..." We both look at each other's

"No matter how long it will always worth it to wait" both of us beams a bright smile.

"I love you Mom" he lovingly whispered

"I love you Baby" I caress his hair.

"I love Rei too" he slyly added, causing me to pinch his nose, while he show a cute smile. This kid will be the death of me.

"It's just a puppy love Mom" he suddenly said, I carefully look at him "But it felt like a true love" he smiled now playing with his fingers "When I'm around Rei, everything surrounds us stop like a magic, it felt surreal, seems like it was just I and her in this world sharing the same feeling—" he imagines and gave me a smile.

"Your eyes become hearts" I teased him, he grinned.

"I'm just curious Mom..." He frown as he turns to fully face me, I hummed "Do you feel this feelings when you're with Dad?" He ask, I become mute for a moment when he ask an unexpected question.

"Mom?" I blinked, as a sigh escaped from my lips. I nod my head.

"You love him so much do you?" He teased

"I did"  to the point I was blinded by it until it breaks me. "I was happy when I'm with him before...." I broke out a faint smile

"Why won't you give a—"

"Adiel..."I cutted him off, he looks down. I sigh as I gently held his chin up as I cares his cheeks. "Everything are different now, you should leave this matters about with me and your father, I hope you know we're trying..." I said under my breath "I'm trying Honey. Mommy can't just tell until when, wounds can't heal that fast, if God will it will happen, everything is in process...hmm?" I look through his eyes.

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