chapter 16

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A week passed quickly, but the symptoms I dreaded only made me feel worse. Only Jennie  knows my possible condition and I fear it even more because with each passing day it gets worse and I often feel it.

Jennie was also worried so she wanted to let Taehyung know but I begged her not to, first so as not to worry anymore.

Selfish I know but I don't want to hurt him especially since we are getting married. So instead of going home even after a week of taping.

I chose to take Jennie with me to visit  my own doctor since I was a child and tells Taehyung an alibi that my schedule becomes tight the fast few days so I'll be not able to go home for a day.

"Chu are you sure about this? What if..." Jennie's worried eyes stares at me.

"We'll just going to find out, I can't just let this illness ruin my life again like what it did in my childhood" I said, a bitter chuckle escaped from my lips as I remember the times that I should be playing outside like the other kids on my age, but I was lying on my bed fighting to breathe.

"Then how about Taehyung? How about what he'll feel after he knew this?" Jennie's point is clearly understandable the fact that Taehyung might get hurt.

"We're still not sure about it, Jen. The doctor said that I'm fully healed when I was a child and there's no possible way it may comeback again unless..."

"That's the thing Soo, how are we sure about it?" Her voice changed "How are you sure it's nothing? There's so many possible ways! What if...what if it is? What if it comes back? Soo! What will happen to your family?! Your husband! Your son?! To us? Jennie raisen her voice at me.

"Until when you'll keep it?!" She added

"I'm going to tell them soon, Jennie I'm just looking for the right time" I weakly reason out

"When?When its already worst?!" Her harsh tone replaced the once soft and caring voice of her, indicating she's now upset.

My eyes fell on the ground as the tears I was holding fall one after one. As the emotions I was holding burst out.

"I'm scared" I only mumbled and broke down on my knees. "Jen I'm s-scared...." The only words came out from my mouth. "I don't know how to tell him, I don't know how to tell t-them." I hide my face on my palms

"Unnie..."Jennie's tone soften as I felt her knelt in from of me. The sobs that now escaping from my lips as my blury eyes because of the tears didn't help my vision as it become more blured through the dizziness and the familiar strike of pain against my chest again felt on it.

Dug...............dug................. dug.................dug..............

There is it again the familiar rhythm of my heartbeats. I clutches my hand against the fabric on my chest as I gasp to catch my breath.

"Unnie!" Jennie's voice echoed in my ear however how bad I wanted to move I can't as I completely fell on the cold floor, my surroundings are moving through my blurry sight but only I,can't.

"Shit" she curses as the worries and concern waves on her voice as she keeps calling my name.

Jennie's shaky hands grips her phone as she was about to call someone but a waves of anxiety that he might call Taehyung rushed on me.

I forced my hand to moved as I tug on her sleeves that caught her attention, Jennie looks down on me as her phone hang mid on her ear with her hand.

I tearily shook my head, too weak and hard to mutter any words.

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