chapter 8

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"What are you doing, huh?—"

"—What the?" I jumped on my place when a voice heard beside my ear, his breath brushing on my earlobes. "You startled me!" I whined at Taehyung who looks like a mushroom that shown up behind me.

"I'm sorry" he stifle his laugh "What are you making for dinner?" He ask, stepping back as I move.

I glare at him "Where is Adiel?" I ask instead, pointing him an spatula to keep our distance. He glance at the living room as he gesture.

"Asleep" he says, making me glance too. There he is the most precious baby cutely sleeping on the couch.

"Lisa played with him too much" he added.

"My poor baby" I cooed but then glared at him when I turn back, and continue what I'm doing.

"Hey!" I wince when Taehyung again leaned in, face over my shoulder, acting like he is smelling the food that I am cooking.

"What?" Surpassing his own laugh, a small tint of pink was shown on his cheeks realizing how close our face is. A seconds of eye contact I huffed a irritated sigh and turn around to hide my blushing face too.

"I'm telling you Tae, move!" I said, I felt him move as I felt more of his warmth behind me.

"Closer?" He did an aegyo as he rested his chin on my head. I stepped on his foot and rolled my eyes when I face him.

"Away." I gritted my teeth while he just chuckled and move closer again.

"Why you are so cute when you're mad?" He nonchantly asked, hiding strands of my hair behind my ear. I gulped when he stare at me. "I suppose to get scared right?" He stopped "But why I am falling in love..." He added.

"What are talking about?" I flusteredly ask, leaning backwards to keep our distance.

"Can I kiss you?" He directly ask "Just a peck.." he added

"Taehyung I swear, move awa—"

A soft pair of lips cutted what I am saying, that really caught me off guard. With my eyes wide open I saw how his eyes closed when he met my lips.

Slowly he move his face away causing our lips to lost contact on each other's softness.

"Cutie" he smiled while I was stood there, flattered

But then a smell of something burning, snapped me back in life. I quickly turned around to see the burning chicken on pan.

My chickens!

Turning of the stove, I face Taehyung after. His amused annoying face with a grin greeted me.

"The chickens are burnt!" I glared at him, whining.

"I didn't do anything.." he defended himself

"The chickens are burnt because of you being a flirt!" I accused though it was a half truth.

"Well you can't blame me, you're so pretty tonight, your lip keeps distracting me" my face heat up remembering the kiss seconds ago.

"You!" I gritted my teeth "Get out of my kitchen!" I contain myself for not yelling.

"Wae?..." He pouted stepping backwards as I keep poking him on shoulders. "You enjoyed the kiss too" he reasoned out as we stopped near the countertop.

Holding the thing near me, I glare at him "Don't make me whack you with this frying pan Kim Taehyung!" I threatened as he chuckled.

"Whoa~ woman calm down" he move back when I swang the pan but purposely not hit him.

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