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"Hmmm...Payasam, Pulihora and .." King Jaya held up the satin cloth that was the queen's message "..and a poem. My sweet darling, has our passion come to life within you? After all these years will I once again see you blossom into motherhood while your warm body nourishes over baby?"

The queen blushed. Her intention of calling the king to her private chamber was not what the king imagined. Although, to be fair to the king, her message was a quite cryptic and flirtatious. Well, one is never too married to flirt with their own husband "It is words like these that make me want to become a mother. But, I will have to disappoint you my king. My ship has long sailed. We will..."

"We can rectify that right now, my love. We are alone, are we not." The king directed the queen to the bed.

The queen laughed. It was a while before she could speak to him of what she had intended to. Resting her head on her husband shoulder the queen doodled on his chest as she spoke "Have you ever wondered why Vrinda and Partha are not married?"

"There is not need to wonder, my dear. I know exactly why they are not married."

The queen tilted her face towards him in question.

"You will have to first tell me, why you chose to talk about two men, after WE have embraced in passion?"

"Because.." the queen dragged "What we shared just now and have shared in all these years of marriage is blissful and I just wondered how is that you do not wish to see you friends in the same boat. Well, I was actually wondering about Partha, after what I saw today and then when I thought about Partha, I automatically thought about Vrinda..."

The king propped up on his elbows "What did you see about Partha?" He asked suspiciously.

"I saw him in Sabari chamber."

"And that is unusual, because?"

"Because it was after sunset and he climbed up the wall to enter her room through the balcony."

"Oh." the king laid down again.

"You do not find that unusual?"

"I remember the time when I did the same for you, darling. So the only deduction that can be made is that they like each other. It is not news, love. I believe words have been flying around about Partha's interest in Sabari." The king answered.

"Shall I tell you another interesting fact, my lord." The queen seemingly teased.

King Jaya began to slip into slumber "Mmhmm." He nodded.

"Your cousin likes her too!"

"Which one?"

The queen did not answer and meerly waited. She smiled when her husband opened her eyes and raised his brows. "How many cousins of yours are not married and have met Sabari?"

The king became thoughful for a moment and then realized "Vrinda?!! How come I did not hear anything of it."

"You know Vrinda rishi is good at masking his emotions." The queen answered.

"Still." Rubbing his chin, the king narrowed his eyes at his wife "How do you know?" It was rare for the king to be made aware of facts before anybody else in the kingdom, other than the concerned parties, of course. News from around his kingdoms literally flew in at the earliest possible time.

The queen laughed. The king always prided himself in knowing things first. He always completed sentances of news relayed by others. So, finding him in a spot of complete ignorance was oddly delightful. "He told me." She smiled smugly.

"He did?" The queen nodded in reponse to the king's question. King Jaya became thoughful. For quite a while he, or the queen did not say anything. Until, finally the queen spoke up.

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