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The red skin of Ooduga shone like a ruby, in the light of the sun beam that filtered through the canopy above Vrinda's kutir . Beautiful as the fruit was , it did little to brighten Sabari's mood.

"Be gentle with the fruits!" Agharna amma chided her, frowning at Sabari's aggressive fruit picking.  When Sabari did not respond and continued her assault , amma walked up to her and knocked her fist on Sabari's head.

"Ouch! Why did you do that?" Sabari squealed , rubbing her head.

"Because you deserve it!" Amma said "I am not able to see your sulking face! Two weeks! How does anybody sulk for that long?!"

"You should have let me go, then! Sabari stated.

"Yes! I should have let you gone. And I should let some bear or tiger eat you! That would have been the end. At least I would not have to deal with all this sadness. Even eating the food you cooked made me sad!" Amma said, exasperated at Sabari's very obvious display of displeasure.

"Partha would have protected me." Sabari became defensive at Amma's sarcasm.

"Why should he pay for you stupidity? Silly girl!" Amma chided, again. With the call of a bird Agharan amma's voice turned a little mellow "Now stop this sulking. It is not safe for a woman to travel through the forest when she is bleeding. Partha understood that. You, being a woman, are not able to understand it?" she asked, with a motherly affection.

Sabari pouted like a small child "I know! " she stressed "I understand. But...but .."she sighed "I don't know. I wanted to go back with Partha. Only after seeing him I realized how much I missed him. And, now that I am going back I feel bad about it. I want to go back and I don't want to go back. Does it make any sense?" She asked, confused at her own thoughts.

The guruni shook her head in mild exasperation "No. It does not. You young people are thinking a lot about things that don't need that much thought.  Come now. You cannot keep the queen waiting." She turned around to walk away.

"Amma?" Sabari called out "Can I come back?"

Agharan amma did not stop to answer "Nobody asked you to leave Sabari. You want to go. You want to come."

"You are not helping?" Sabari cried.

"You asked me a question or for help? Come here girl! " She ordered. When Sabari caught up with her, Agharna amma held her hand "Now, answer me" she asked "You want to go for Partha or come back for Vrinda?"

Sabari blinked at the question. The suddenness and aptness of the question took a little time to get over. She wondered on what was the answer and how to voice it. "I do want to go back. For Partha and Amma. But I also want to come back ...For you...and Vrinda."

"Hmm" the guruni sighed thoughtfully "Half way through your route to the palace, there is a natural spring that is surrounded by white and red flowers. The water is supposed to be filled with nutrients and minerals. Strong enough to heal any injury and so fresh that it clears the mind and heart of any unwanted thoughts." She said .

"I should drink that water?" Sabari asked

"No. Go jump in that well!!" the guruni said. "Silly girl! Either you want somebody or not. How difficult is that question?"

Sabari did not answer. Because she had none. She looked up at the checkered maze of vines and leaves. This place was nothing like she had ever seen. With every passing day the place became more familiar, yet there was a mysticism that she could not pin point at. Vrinda answered every question she had ever asked, about this place and in general. Still, she felt that he did not reveal much. He was a good teacher. Of all the people she had met, in this enjoyably long and unending dream of hers, Vrinda was one person who did not look at her as if she was crazy. Whether he believed her or not, he did not treat her like a mad woman. He was rather curious of what she would tell him of the world she came from. At times, Vrinda reminded her of King Jaya. But, while the King treated her like an indulgent father who did not question his child's imaginary world, Vrinda treated her like his equal, from another world.

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