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"If you do that one more time I will have you thrown in jail!!" He said in a loud voice, rubbing the back of his arm "I told you to walk far behind me!!" He grimaced. The place where she had pinched was still burning.

Sabari raised her tied up hands to his face "With half a meter cloth how far behind should I walk?!" She was getting pissed off! This guy was behaving ridiculous now.

Sabari had been very delighted by the warm and heartfelt kiss and wanted to cherish it for as long as possible. She had jumped with joy and laughter. She bear hugged this shocked bald, macho man of her dreams "Even though this is a dream this is happiest I felt since my mother passed away!" She had declared still holding him around his waist. "I have to wake up now. I don't want this dream to end but I think I should wake up with a good feeling na?" Saying so she climbed up the rock she was sitting on.

Still a little preplexed with the sudden events that took place in such a short period of time, the man's eyes simply tracked Sabari as she bundled her sari near her legs in preparation for the climb "What are you doing?" He asked ,realizing that the mad woman was moving onto her next crazy act.

"I am trying...eh" she struggled with the wet sari wrapped around her legs "to...to climb up the rock. To jump. I will jump from there" she pointed at the rounded peak of the rock.

"You won't die if you jump from there .Get down! Now!" He ordered

Sabari rolled her eyes "I told you a hundred and one times I have no intention of killing myself!" She steadied herself on top of the rock "I am thinking that a sudden jerk kind of movement should wake me up from my sleep. You know...like how we suddenly wake up when we dream of falling off some thing? Like that." She smiled and winked at him "See you handsome! It was nice kissing you!" Sabari blew a kiss at him. She closed her eyes and taking a deep breath jumped off the rock.

She fell for a longer time than she had anticipated and finally hit the ground with a strong impact on her shoulder. Rolling onto her back she lowered her hands palm facing down to feel the soft comfort of her b....wait...she was not on a bed!

The man walked over to stand beside her and cleared his throat loud enough for it to echo in the night "You are still here." He clarified.

Sabari opened her eyes and stood up smiling a little sheepishly at him "I did not think we needed to apply logic in our dreams. If I jump with my eyes closed I cannot see that I am falling, right? Let me try with my eyes open" she had already moved around him to the rock and began climbing it again. The exasperated man did not try to stop her. He merely rested his hands on his hips and waited for her to jump. And she jumped.

"Ouch!" Sabari stood up rubbing her shoulder.

"You are still here?" He asked with a sarcasm that was difficult to miss.

"And so are you" Sabari glowered at him. His sarcasm and condescending looks were begining to ruin her mood. She did not take kindly to being spoken to that way.

The man ignored her. He turned around and began gathering his belongings near the rock "If you are done with your crazy antics shall we move? We need to reach the palace before the evening meet ends."

"The Palace?" Sabari questioned just to stall him. Her eyes were on the lake. She had come through the water, hadn't she?

"Yes. Come." He ordered without turning to look at her.

"Why?" Sabari took slow steps towards the water while keeping an eye on his back.

"The king will decide on your punishment for trying to commit suicide" he answered moving towards the trees.

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now