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"Lavanya?" Queen Narayani asked, wondering if she was pronouncing right.

"Lasagne." Sabari corrected, "It is an Italian dish. Italy is a country in Europe. Have you anytime heard of the Romans?"

"No," Narayani said. She took a deep breath. During the past few months that Sabari stayed at the palace, the queen routinely spent a part of her evening walking in the palace garden with Sabari. Narayani was very grateful to Sabari for saving her life and wanted to do anything that she could to help her recuperate. She had never really interacted much with her until her stay here. In the beginning, she asked the questions, and Sabari answered. Later it just became that Sabari would start telling her exciting things about the world that seemed both fantastic and unreal. Sabari looked quite young to have traveled around the world like she said she did. Then again, her manner of speech and insight into various topics made her sound like a learned woman—something that Vrinda vouched for and that Partha seemed not to deny. Narayani found a good companion, besides her husband, with whom she could enjoy intellectual parring. "Anyways." she said, "You have not yet told me what it is that I give as a means of my gratitude," she said.

"With all due respect, queen, you do not have to give me anything. As it is, I feel very embarrassed at how I am being taken care of in the palace. I am in a happy place. I am. There is not much that I could or would ask for now."

"Ahh. That means there is something that you could or would ask for, if you wanted then?" the queen asked.

Sabari scratched her chin. How did her answer get twisted in that manner? "I suppose," she said hesitantly.

"Let's do one thing then. I will give you three wishes. You can ask me anything. Anything and that will be granted." the queen declared.

Sabari raised her brows at that. "I never understood that," she said, shaking her head in confusion. "In so many mythologies, I have read that the king gave a boon to his wife, gods gave a boon to demons. But, giving boons is not always in the best interest of the giver, is it not?

The queen laughed. "That is true. But," She paused for effect, "I would not have given you three wishes if I did not trust you."

"You know people call me mad, right?" Sabari said

"Not the three people I trust."


"The king. Well, He does not think anybody is mad. He says that some people have altered perceptions that others do not see or understand." She smiled fondly, speaking of her husband, "Then there is Vrinda rishi. He believes you are a very learned woman."


"Minister Partha."

Sabari laughed. "Are you sure? Partha always calls me mad."

"I am not sure if he thinks you are sane. But, he does trust you." the queen stated, "There are very few people that Partha trusts. That in itself is enough to know that you are a trustworthy person. I am not worried that you will ask me anything that you should not or is unethical."

"Hmm. Interesting." Sabari hummed for a moment, slipping into thought. "I do not have anything that I want right now. Can I ask at a later time, or is there a period within which I have to ask my wishes?"

"You can ask them whenever you want." The queen stated. She gently held her face mask down when the wind ruffled it.

Noticing that action, Sabari had an idea for a wish. "May I ask you one question? Instead of a wish, that is. It is more like I am curious about it. You do not have to answer it, if you do not like it. I mean, you are the queen, after all. You can dismiss the question. Just don't have me punished for it." she crinkled her eyes.

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now